Rising PSA after prostatectomy

  • 1 reply
  • 33 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I thought my cancer journey was over six months ago when I had my prostate removed. The surgeon said afterwards that the analysis showed there were negative margins all round the prostate and the six-week blood test showed negligible levels of PSA. However my blood test just before Christmas showed a level of 0.1, and more recently it's 0.18 - not what I was expecting. It seems I am now on course for a few months of hormone therapy followed by a few weeks of radiotherapy. Reading around I think this is not an uncommon situation to be in.

So I thought I would join the community, share my experiences and see what others are going through.

  • Good Afternoon  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Community, although I am so sorry to find you here. I am Brian, one of the Community Champions here at Macmillan, and indeed I am at the start of my 4th year on my personal Prostate Cancer journey.

    The Community is divided up into cancer specific groups or chat rooms and I would advise you to join the Prostate Group where you will "meet up" with fellow Community members on the same or similar journey. Here's the link -

    Prostate cancer forum 

    Once the page opens up just click on "join" at the bottom of the page and once you are a member of our group you can either copy and paste or repost your original post in the "New Here - Say Hello" section. You will receive a warm welcome and plenty of replies. I can assure you you are not alone in your situation.

    I look forward to "meeting" you again over in our group.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

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