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I had breast cancer 6 years ago and have been on letrozole since still have 4 years left on them. On Christmas Eve I found out I had triple negative breast cancer. I start chemotherapy on next week. My problem is my daughter she seems not to be able to accept this. She as M/H issues and we can’t seem to find any help for her I haven’t let her go to any appointments with me as she get cross and will shout and carry on wherever she is. She’s in her twenties I’m now can’t take anymore. I just need someone to talk to her. But don’t know where to find the help she needs 

  • I have some idea of how this is. I can't take my Husband or Daughter to any appointments as the worry of their reactions stops me from concentrating on what I am there for.  To be honest however much you care about them, this behaviour can make you resent the fact that you have to spend so much time protecting them, when it would be good to have someone protect you during the hard times.  Mental health services are hard to get and really do not hold the whole answer, but none the less you need some help to share the burden with you.  Cancer is bad enough without having to run yourself ragged.  How old is your Daughter? Mine has moved back home. She is 33 and means well but is so controlling.   
