Vulval and cervical biopsies

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  • 33 subscribers

New here, around 5 years ago I had to have lletz treatment for cin3, a couple of years ago I developed a constant itch on both sides of the vulva which I presumed at the time was also causing the tiny sores I had (due to me breaking the skin) fast forward to 5 weeks ago I had my regular colposcopy so had my regular biopsy of my cervix (cin1 last time), mentioned this persistent itching so also had a biopsy of vulva, I rang the clinic a week ago to be told my results were with the consultant and I'd receive a letter in 7-10 days, I haven't heard anything as of yet, if I rang the clinic again would they be able to tell me if I have any follow up appointments coming up, that way I suppose I'll be aware if anything is wrong or do I just wait over Christmas for the letter to drop on the mat. At this point in time I'm over the results it's the waiting that's doing me in, I hope this makes sense and I'm not waffling

  • I'd just like to thank everyone for taking the time to read, I'm not sure how many have been through this and who would be able to tell me the protocol of what happens next if anything has been found, like I receive a letter and then what? 

  • Hi  and welcome to the community.

    I am one of the community champions, a volunteer for Macmillan, and I’m usually most often to be found in the cervical cancer group, but your post caught my eye as you mentioned you’d had some biopsies done recently.

    Normally, admin staff in a clinic do not give information over the phone as they don’t have medical knowledge so it would be difficult for them to answer any questions you might have. The best person to tell you what will happen next is the doctor/consultant who performed the procedures.

    It can take time, especially at this time of year, to hear anything. Do you have the NHS app on your phone if you are in England? Sometimes future appointments will appear there-all of my test results and appointments normally appear there, often before I receive a letter. 

    Normally, in my own experience, you will be contacted by letter with an appointment to discuss the results of the biopsies in person and decide what the next steps are if any are required. It’s very hard waiting for results, but I’m not sure that calling the clinic will move things forward for you as you have been told of the likely timescale to receive them. 

    I hope there is nothing of concern for you when you find out what’s next, but we do have specific support groups within the community which I can link you to if you need them. It might be best for now just to sit tight and wait until you hear something, and I hope everything goes well for you. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for your reply, unfortunately I don't have photo id to complete the NHS app, I know there are other ways of doing it but I don't want to take any time away from drs just to sign up, will just have to wait x

  • I found the NHS app really difficult to sign up to-it stopped me mid way during the sign up process for some reason and it took weeks to resolve that. It has good and bad points for me-I get notifications of my appointments but I also get test results dumped there which say they have been discussed with me, when I’ve never seen a doctor about them!

    I found out one time that I’d been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease from some tests I’d had which gave me a bit of a shock! So sometimes, when you can’t get to speak to a doctor in person, it’s really not too useful. 

    I have always much preferred having a face to face appointment for things to be explained, and hopefully you won’t have to wait too long to hear more.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I'm apparently waiting for a 'management plan' letter, whatever that means but as they are in no rush to send it out to me I can only assume it's fairly good news 

  • Hi  

    A management plan should just be an explanation of what is going to happen next-ie what treatment is needed, if any, or whether things are just to be monitored. It’s impossible to guess what it might involve at this stage, but hopefully not long to wait and find out.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm