Frustrated and lost

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  • 34 subscribers

Hi all,

Honestly I don’t even know I should be signing up to this forum - I’ve been told plenty of times that I don’t need to worry about cancer but there’s only so many times I can hear that when I haven’t got any answers. 

A bit of recent history: I found a lump under the skin in August following an unrelated surgery. I thought it was just an infection I picked up from the hospital so had antibiotics for it, but the lump didn’t go away. Fast forward a few back-and-forth appointments and I was referred to radiology for an ultrasound and a specialist consultant. The consultant said the MRI showed a fistula and I needed surgical treatment. Anyways, I went in for the surgery and had the general anesthetic, but woke up with no incisions or evidence of being treated. That’s because the surgeon found no fistulas, but he did find the lump (though he didn’t biopsy it). I’m now waiting for him to consult with a specialist gastroenterologist to go over the MRI again because he was totally baffled. 

I’m a bit of a catastrophist anyways - but this is nearly pushing me over the edge. I’m in university, I have a lot of assessments going on this time of year and I thought I had answers until a few days ago. People keep telling me I have nothing to worry about because I’m young and relatively healthy, but how can they be sure without any blood tests or even interpreting an MRI correctly?? I have no idea on what I should do and I feel silly for worrying so much, but at the same time it could be nothing and I’m making excuses. Any advice on what to do would be appreciated, I feel like I’m going crazy! 

  • Hi Lilypad2001, and a warm welcome to the forum,though I'm so sorry you have to be here.

    Please don't apologise for having feelings, I can assure you, the emotions you are going through are pretty normal whenever there's a thought of cancer, but as you say, you are still at the exploratory stage, and haven't been diagnosed, and though it's normal to think the worst, and very often we are wrong, as to what to do, your friends are right, why worry about something that may not happen, but it's never that easy as we know, the things that worked for me, keeping busy, work, gym, friends, try not to spend too much time on your own and don't go to bed until your sure you will fall asleep straight away. Best wishes and good luck 

    Eddie xx