Uncertainty about scan results and urgent 2 week referal for suspected womb/cervical cancer

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  • 39 subscribers

Hi All

Feeling apprehensive and anxious for tomorow wuth gynecologist.

About 1wk half ago I had a abdominal scan and internal scan which was very painful,  due to severe bloating, breathlessness, constant toilet bad back, no bleeding as I had a womb ablation 10yrs ago and 20trs ago had cin2 on cervix which was treated with laser.

 Scan shows thickened endometrium 6 2mm  with heterogeneous myometrial texture, cannot see 1 ovary but other one is fine. I'm 53 postmenopausal and was on hrt but told to stop straight away untill I've been to seen gynecologist 

It was referred to the gynecologist cancer team but obviously not a diagnosis and doctor said I'd need a hysteroscopy and biopsy done. 

Just worried if it could be something more or could not be something and i go they say I dont need anything done and I still have these issues going on. I am slimish but my waist has gone from from size 12 round waist to nearly size 16 in clothes for waist in a few months but not put weight on anywhere else due to being so bloated. I have allsorts going round in my head. Advice, reassurance , someone to talk to whose been through similar.

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Community. I am so sorry to read of your problems and hope your meeting today with your gynecologist goes well.

    I see you have already joined the womb (uterus) cancer forum and hope this forum has provided you with some help and support.

    If I can do anything else for you please do come back to me.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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