Breast cancer HER2 pos

  • 4 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

On 29 June 2024, my mammografy and USG shows the malignant cell and also the result sugest me for the biopsy which I did on 8 August 2024. The result of the biopsy is HER2 Pos score 3+, ER pos with H score 15, Ki67 activities seen in about 28.5% of tumour cells. The Petscan result shows the uptake on the breast and the axillary nodes). Suggested treatment  is chemotherapy (Carboplatin and Docetaxel) + targeted therapy (Herceptin and Perjeta). 

I have not starteted the therapy yet. I have been thinking not to take the chemo but doing a better diet and life style or take all the treatment but not the chemo. I have once read that fasting can stop the cancer to grow. Is there anyone here have the same type of cancer? Is anyone ever try to fast? did anyone here try the targeted therapy only.

I Look forward to hearing from your experience. I think I need to decide quickly if I want to start the therapy.

Thank you all.

  • Good Morning  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Cancer Community, although I am so sorry to find you here.

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  • Hi Cleo1,

    Ive been doing some research and have recently started the Keto diet, alongside intermittent fasting - usually finish eating at 6-6:30pm and have breakfast at 8 or 9 in the morning. I have more energy and my skin looks really clear. I’m now adding more healthy carbs, such as brown rice and pulses.

    I mentioned Keto to my surgeon last week and she was sceptical, saying that the numbers of participants could have been very small. I’m going to stay with it as it certainly can’t do any harm if I add other healthy foods. Penny Brohn website has good advice on diet, exercise and so on so as well as consultations with experts, so I’m going to contact them. Hope this helps and very best wishes x

  • Thank you Lilwelsh for sharing. I does help. How long have you been doing this? Do you still thinking about chemo therapy?

    I have been doing some fasting for the last 1 months. Its every other day fasting, I have an early breakfast at 4am and no drink no food til 6pm. On my meal,  I always have healthy diet, for protein I eat fresh water fish, red rice, no sugar at any form, vegie and green juice for breakfast and dinner. 

    I feel the cancer is there but it is not painful anymore. But I am worried if it metastasize. I will plan to do the USG again.

    Steve Jobs did the vegetarian diet, but it didnt work.

    My oncologist emailed me if i have started the suggested treatment yet. I am still not sure about it.

    Good luck for your Keto diet hope it works. Let me know the result. All the best.

  • Hi Cleo, Well, I’ve only been doing it for about three weeks and have found it surprisingly easy to keep to. Have never been able to give up sugar before now and am even beginning to enjoy 100% dark chocolate! 
    To be honest I think my fasting times sound easier, as I fast from 6 or sometimes 7 pm until 8 or 9am the next day (so at least 14 hours, like you), and often later now that I’m used to it. I now have two meals a day usually, with a small snack in between if needed. Your green smoothies sound good and I will start making them again.

    I’ve been told I can’t have chemo because of other serious health problems I have. Initially I was told I wouldn’t need it anyway because the tumour was receptive to hormone treatment and would hopefully shrink a lot, and that the lymph node wasn’t affected, but that’s now changed.

    My family are keen for me to put off the op for a few months (mainly because I’ve been told that it could make my other health conditions worse) and focus on healthy eating, exercise and so on, as well as the Letrazole, (I also take lots of supplements such as Quercetin, curcumin, magnesium, high polyphenol olive oil, kefir etc)  I’m  scared of cells leaving the lymph node before my next check up in three months, but don’t feel ready for the drastic surgery my surgeon wants to do.

    I hope you’re able to decide on whatever is right for you. Maybe talking to a Macmillan professional would help? Best wishes xx