My Diagnosis And Worry As A 19 Year Old Girl

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I need to share with someone, and need advice before i worry even more than i do everyday. Last year, i found a lump in my right breast. Since i was about 14, i had been getting nipple discharge, discomfort and peeling skin on the nipple. It was paired with when i found the lump also, to me, it was normal at the time ( the discharge) as it had been happening for so long. I didn’t know what it meant and i worried instantly, i got it checked out and a two week refferal was made. I got my appointment, they done an ultrasound and four nurses came in to check the results. They told me because i’m so young, (i was 18 at the time), it was most likely fibroadenoma. The mass was 17-19mm in length  The last nurse that came in said they should to a biopsy as it looked suspicious, in her words, another replied i was too young for the trauma. I regret not speaking up that day. I was sent home with a prescription cream and that was it. A few months after this, i had forgotten about my lump and tried to get on with my college life. My lump began to hurt. Hurt to the point it felt like it was burning my breast. I didn’t know what was going on and got reffered again as soon as i could. The pain persisted and barely ever stopped, only a few days at a time would it give me a break. They did another ultra sound and told me it was fibroadenoma because of my age . I was unsatisfied with it, so was my mum, but they assured me i don’t have breast cancer. I’m now around six months on from then, i’ve been to two other appointments, my pain has worsened, it spreads to my armpit and my arm, i feel tired and lethargic all the time and it hurts very bad. I’m so worried about it, when i talk to anyone, i cry. I feel like it’s my body’s way of telling me there’s something wrong, despite the pain giving me bad anxiety. The doctor told me, at the last appointment, it was all in my head. he said he can remove the lump, but it will likely cause more pain and suffering than i’m currently in for a long time. i asked him if it was better for my over all health and my mental health also. he said most likely yes as i would stop worrying and they will send the lump for testing as it is suspicious. i don’t understand how he can say there’s nothing wrong, then call my lump suspicious. my doctor has me on codeine and naproxen aswell as sleeping tablets as i can’t barely sleep it feels like i’m sleeping on a boulder most nights and if i get comfy my mind keeps me awake. i don’t take the sleeping tablets cause they make me queezy and the naproxen made me very tired all the time so i just take a codine when the pain worsens. it doesn’t help as much as i would like. i have a pre surgery assessment for my lump removal in two days and i’m so scared about it all. i have an overwhelming feeling this is more than the doctors say and i can’t shake it. My two great aunts have had breast cancer, one died from it and the other is surviving it currently. i’m so scared in myself and my life. they tell me i’m too young, but cancer doesn’t discriminate. i am so sorry for the long message as i know there’s people with worse and bigger problems but since this has been happening to me i feel like i’m living outside of my body and just watching what’s going on i don’t feel real because i feel like i’m going to die. the uncertainty in my life is more than i can handle and i need some advice on what i should actualy do because no one understands or can know how much pain and suffering and anxiety i’m actually going through. thank you for reading this if you got this far and thank you for taking the time of day. i await a response from even a single soul, thankyou. 

Me x

  • Hi  youngworrier,  and a warm welcome to the forum,, though I am so sorry you have to be here, I understand how difficult it is thinking you could have cancer, your feelings are familiar to many  of us on here, so please know what you are feeling is perfectly normal. I do think one or two remarks from your medical team could have been explained to you a little more thoughtfully. I will have everything crossed your surgery brings you good news, and you can get on with living a long and happy life, my best wishes to you and take care.


  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Community.

    I can fully understand your worry regarding "the lump" and your team are acting to remove it - I know your pre surgery assessment is in the next few days. Once you have had your surgery "the lump" will be sent of for analysis to check if it's a benign or if there is any trace of cancer. You will of course be advised of the results and further treatment will follow if required.

    In the meanwhile if you have any further questions or need further details or information please feel free to call our support line on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a week)

    I do hope the above helps - please let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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