Breast Cancer Diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Good evening,

So on Friday last week I was told that I have got Breast Cancer, I’m still in the early stages of taking in this diagnosis and I’ve just started on the very long journey ahead. I’ve joined this group so I can start to get my head around what’s to come, but it all feels so very overwhelming.

I hope no one minds my chat being small, but I just wanted to say hello as I have just joined this community group tonight.

  • Hi Super Strong Mum welcome to the forum and we are here for you as and when you feel you want to know anything or just sound off.  Do it in your own time and when you are ready. 

    Sending some huge big hugs your way for now. xxx 


    Community Champion Badge

  • Good Morning  

    Another warm welcome to the online Community from me to. Further to my friend Gail's post above, the Community is divided into cancer specific chat rooms and in your case I would advise you to join the breast Cancer forum. There you will connect with others on the same or similar journey. To join the forum just click on this link-

    Breast cancer forum 

    Once the page opens up, click on "join" on the black banner at the bottom of the page. Once you have joined the forum you can either copy and paste or repost your post in the "new Here - Say Hello section.

    I hope this helps. If I can do anything else for you please let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

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