My Boy!

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  • 39 subscribers

Hi all.  My son was diagnosed with stage 4 aggresive Burkitt Lymphoma in April.  The cancer was in his blood and bone marrow and he had 4 strong cycles of treatment.  We found out 2 days ago that the cancer was still present in his bone marrow.  He had another biopsy yesterday, and we are now waiting results again.  We are all so frightened.  His just 22 Disappointed

  • Sorry to hear this. I have been in a similar situation.Its a very difficult time and I can understand what you are going through as parent.Stay strong and hope for the test xx

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the community but sorry to hear about your son’s journey.

    I have been on my Lymphoma journey for over 25 years.

    I was first diagnosed in 1999 at 43…… with an incurable type of Low-Grade NHL….. I had many treatments over the first 14 years and I was only ever in partial-remission the longest being 9 months.

    Then in late 2013 a second more aggressive High-Grade NHL came along taking me to stage 4…… but I already knew that Staging in Lymphoma is rather different from sold tumour cancers like Kidney, Lung, Breast….. where a high stage number like stage 4 is a poor prognosis, in Lymphoma it’s not. I was stage 4a and it made no difference to my outcomes.

    But I went on to have further treatment over a few years and I am coming up to 9 years out from my last treatment, I turn 69 in NIV and I am still living a great life.

    I see that you have put up a post on our dedicated Non-Hodgkin lymphoma support group so I will pick up on that post and can carry the conversation on further.

    In Lymphoma there is lots of hope as there are lots of levels of treatment…. First line treatment is often not enough to do the job so second line treatment is needed ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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