3 weeks results appointment

  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi everyone! Lots of well wishes to you all on your big C journey. I'm here because I've just had (3 days ago) a wide local excision of a very scary looking (abcde rule positive for all 5 rules) lesion that a dermatologist and a gynaecological oncologist suspect to be vulvar mucosal melanoma. The wide local excision also removed a further 6 lesions, albeit less scary looking (still abcde positive for these 6 too though), that were very close to the main lesion. I've a long list of other symptoms too, not just those 7 lesions. So I'm here obviously because I'm terrified having looked up this specific big C and realising it's rather ruthless to say the least, but mainly because I've just received a message on my NHS app, confirming my follow up appointment with my gynaecological oncologist, for August 12th; 3 weeks today. My mind is racing wondering does the confirmed appointment mean that the results are in, and 3 weeks doesn't seem too urgent so does that indicate good news? Or is this standard and the results won't be in yet they'll be just expected to be back ready to give me to me, come 3 weeks time? It's only been 4 days since they cut it all out, is that enough time to be added to the queue of samples awaiting testing and to be all done and dusted with testing? I'm trying to convince myself the results are in, they're positive, and they're not rushing to let me know. Surely 4 days post op is too soon for testing results MDT report to oncologist to all be completed? Am I setting myself up for a big shock if that's not how these things work? Please thanks any advide.

  • Hi,

    after my operation for vulva cancer in August 2022 I had to wait 6 weeks for my results. My tumour had grown to 2.8millimeters so I have to have second op to remove lymph nodes in the October, then another 6 week wait but all good no cancer in lymph nodes and they had clear margins on the tumour.  It is a very worrying time to see the oncologist for your results, I was so worried what he would say, but that’s natural. Just try and concentrate on getting over your operation and keep yourself busy. Wishing you good luck for 12th August.

  • Oh wow 6 weeks that must have felt like forever. Did you receive a confirmed appointment date and time for the results appointment way ahead of those 6 weeks actually arriving? Within days after your surgery like I have just got here? Aww very glad you had no lymph nodes spreading and you had clear margins. That's such good news. Thank you I am resting up as instructed although I've already been back in A&E yesterday, an investigation is being started, I'm now infected on antibiotics due go a huge piece of gauze being left behind attached to my stitches. The A&E docs confirmed this shouldn't have been left behind. So it's off to a good start my surgery recovery haha. 

  • Sorry to hear you have an infection. I did with my lymph node removal, long story but GP said it was infected had had to be dressed every 3 days when I told my hospital had to take photos for my surgeon/oncologist who said not to have them dressed but go to the appointments and they was just to check they was healing. Let the air get to them as much as possible.  They was fine after that.

    i got my letter for my appointment when I was discharged from the hospital, I had the op on the Tuesday and came home on the Friday.

    Just make sure you take it easy, keep moving, I did laps around the patio every hour, and make sure you let the air get to it. I found the best way was loose nightdresses with no underwear when it was just my husband and me indoors. Anyone coming round and it was a maxi dress!  Really helped with the healing.

    Good luck with your appointment and hope the antibiotics sort out your infection. Let us know how you get on x