My husband

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  • 39 subscribers

My husband has  liver lungs & bowel cancer their no treatment  he had it since end of January but he is losing weight & he not enjoy his food he now very wobbly on his legs up to Few days he could go out be he been in bed for 2 days now as he to wobble to go downstairs it even worse at night I’m so frightened he’s going to fall now  I’m doing this on my own we’re both 75  I’m finding it hard to keep it together at moment 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though we are always a little sorry to see people join I hope you find it useful.

    It might be a help for you both to get a needs assessment on your husband and a carers assessment for you - see here. They may be able to look at fall risk too as that is a worry even without cancer. 

    For you if might help to look in on our Carers only forum and/or Family and friends forum 

    You might also be interested in the Macmillan Buddy service, you can read more about this here.



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