Can't switch off

  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi  My dad is on palliative care for prostate cancer with metastases .  I live local to him and feel as if I am constantly on call.  We have managed to get 2 PA's to help support but they have only limited availability for calls, so some days there are none.  My mind is constantly thinking of dad, he lives at home alone, and wishes to stay there without hospital admittance, for end of life care.  He's sleeping more every day and missing medication due to this.  I am constantly breaking down, which is also causing issues with my relationship with my partner.  My sister has been over, she lives 2 hours away, and has regularly stayed over when she can.  How do people cope? 

  • Hi EllieJ

    Welcome to the Online Community.

    I am sorry to hear about your Dad's cancer. It must be really hard for you all but particularly you as you live closest. It is natural to be thinking about Dad all the time and supporting someone with cancer can feel very overwhelming. I hope that Dad has a supportive team around him (CNS, GP,Hospital etc) and that they are supporting you as well.

    I wonder if it is worth posting in the Carer group to get share with others who are in a similar position to yourself.

    I will pop a link for you.

    Cancer carers forum | Macmillan Online Community

    When you are caring for someone who has cancer it is important to look after yourself as well. I wonder if it would be worth calling the Support Line and talking through how you are feeling. They would also be able to have a look to see what help may be available in your local area. 

    I wonder if there may be a Maggies Centre near you?

    Maggie's Cardiff | Maggie's (

    I hope this helps a bit, but do give the Support Line a call. They are lovely on there. 

    If there is anything else you need, then please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Jane .  I don't think we have a Maggie locally.  I'll try and contact the local support centre on Monday. I'll also look at the carer's forum. We do have weekly D/N calls & the MacMillan Nurses came last week.  Dad presents differently each day & the First nurse said that when dad's regular nurse came after the weekend she felt dad would be considered Fadttrack.  When the Nurse came on Tuesday she said she didn't feel he was fast track.  

    Thanks again. 

  • Hi Ellie

    This link lets you put in your post code and it will bring up any support near you. 

    Local Dashboard Choose Location - Macmillan Cancer - Macmillan Cancer Support

    If Dad is better on some days than others maybe it could be worth keeping a note of how he is doing each day and then use it for the weekly calls and when the Macmillan nurses come. It might help them see the whole picture. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm