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  • 40 subscribers

We have the hospice care people coming on Monday. Can anyone advise me on what that actually means? My husband is terminal aged 48 

  • Hi Sarahlouise, I have had the support of my hospice and their palliative care team for 10 months,  they will be coming to see how they can help you both, to manage any needs your husband has and make him as comfortable as they can so he can make the most of his time, and help you to better support him. Please don't think they are for end of life only,  best wishes 

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi  you may benefit from joining and posting in our……

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    Mike (Thehighlander)

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  • No age to face this - I could be wrong but I personally feel it is much easier at 73 to deal with than such a young age. I cannot speak from experience but you can be sure they will be empathic and treat your husband with the greatest respect and dignity. Hopefully you have the support of your family and friends at this difficult time Pray