Lymphedema in the arm after lymph node removal

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  • 38 subscribers

To my horror and disappointment and dismay I have developed lymphedema in my left arm folliwing mastectomy and entire lymph node clearance last November. It is spreading to my side, back and right arm.

What do people find most helpful?

I am struggling to obtain correct compression garments, too.

I had surgery in a hospital far from my home, because I had horrendous experience at my local hospital during diagnosis and long wait for CT scan with zero suppor and many appalling events/ suppressions of diagnosis and unprofessional behaviours acros sthe board  (consultant withutthe first clue about my cancers)..

I have now returned to my home afte surgery, chemo and radiotherapy at the distant hospital. And so now therefore I face seeking treatment at my local hospital where I encountered such incompetence, unkindness, unprofessionalism and even hostility last year. 

I am not sure what to do. I have seen a private specialist for manual lymph drainage, which was v helpful, but very very expenisve. I cannot afford that on a regular basis.

My GP did order somecompresisn garmebts but they have not arrived 12 days after being ordered (Haddenham and Juzo).

Whatdo other people do with this horrible condition?