Newly diagnosed

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  • 41 subscribers

Hello, my name is Maria and I've recently received a breast cancer diagnosis (10th June). This is my first cancer diagnosis and I'm still trying to process the news (shock) as it completely blindsided me. It would be great to talk with some other people also dealing with this disease and how they might have processed the news. 

  • I’m hoping then it is anxiety which is causing all these pains in getting. 
    Mine is also on the left along with the pains. Aching and shooting pains in my breast and armpit too.

    I feel so silly for getting so worked up. 

    Sorry to hear about headaches etc. They’re not good at the best of times. 

    I’ve been dosing up on painkillers. I didn’t want to but like a nurse said - you don’t get a medal for braving it. 

    Make sure you call them. Mine have been great and because it’s cancer, mine got me in straight away. I hope yours do the same. 
    You don't pay for prescriptions either now. 

    What and when is your next appointment?xx

  • Thank you for your words of support, and I can relate also with the shooting pains and aching.

    I have an appointment on Thursday with my oncologist, I'll get the results of an mri and ct scan, then hopefully I can start my treatment.  It's mixed feelings at the moment, I really don't want to start treatment for obvious reasons,  but at the same time I'm eager to start it due to a constant fear of it spreading whilst I'm waiting. 

    I sent off my prescription exemption last week, so that should arrive soon. 


  • My first procedure is on the 24th. I'm so afraid. I just want to wake up and this nightmare be just a dream. Not real. I've had to reduce my work as a mental health therapist. I'm letting down my clients. I'm not able to talk to my social friends. I'm afraid to talk about everything. People give you weird looks of deep pity but are speechless. My family is not very caring and I've barely heard from them since i told them. My mother never even called after being told. However, my family is a pain point since my birth so though it hurts, im not shocked. My partner and super close friends are my strength but I know at the end of the day, I walk alone into the surgery room. I am happy to find this space. This is our cancer fighting forum. I know we will beat this. I know it will make us better at the end, and stronger. But Lord do I dread this walk ahead? Yes. 

  • Hi Maria

    I was also diagnoused on the 10th June.

    I am currently on my oncologist appointment (thrusday) - does anyone know how long the wait is for chemo to start following the appointment?

  • Hi everyone…… I am just dropping in past to highlight that our dedicated Breast cancer support group as many many members who have navigated this journey…….. so it’s worth checking the group out……

    Some of you have joined and posted in the group some have not……. it’s worth having a search through the group and do consider putting up a post if you have specific questions. 

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi NJ24, 

    I saw my oncologist Tuesday 11th and I start chemo this Monday. 
    It depends on each area of the country I think and whether all checks have been done like bloods and whatever else they request. 


  • Hi Nicole, I'm glad you've got a supportive partner and close friends around you. My family, apart from my daughter, are also not very supportive. Still, I know for sure my daughter will always there for me, and having this forum and the Macmillan Centre is going to be a massive support for sure.

    Hope your procedure goes well on 24th.

    Take care xx

  • We gotta lean on those we have. I also have my outside animals. I adore the birds. I have chickens too. My special needs dog is also beside me. We will overcome. Today technology and advancements are on our side. No matter the stage we have many more joyful moments ahead. I know that 100% 

  • I'm so glad you have your sweet daughter. 

  • I have a cat, she's a lovely companion Blush Animals can be a real blessing in difficult times too.