Advice needed please

  • 1 reply
  • 53 subscribers

Hi all, just looking for some advice please… I’m a healthy 36 yr old female, but recently found 3 enlarged lymph nodes in my neck but also suffering from major exhaustion, no infections. Cancer runs through my family,

I have been to the gp this morning to see what it could be she has said I need a blood test but what will the blood test pick up? I also had to have a blood test last and my ca125 was slightly raised. The gp said I will get referred to have an ultra sound of blood work came back fine  

  • Hi  

    It's easy to jump to conclusions and worry that you might have cancer when you're feeling unwell, especially as you say that members of your family have had cancer.

    The best person to ask what they are testing your blood for would be your GP as any number of tests from a blood sample can be asked for and any of us in the online community would only be guessing.

    If it does turn out that you have cancer, then we have a very supportive community based around cancer specific forums where you can ask questions and share experiences. Choose from this list to join the appropriate forum for you.

    I'll be keeping everything crossed for you that you don't end up with a cancer diagnosis.

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