Newbie to the Mac community

  • 6 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Good afternoon all,

Thought i would pluck up the courage and join you all.

Tuesday 28th i was told i have invasive breast cancer at 44, shock horror! No family history of BC. The only additional info, was the ER receptors was positive and their still waiting on the HER2 result.

I had a CT last Friday and a MRI yesterday and the MDT meeting is sometime today, and my next appointment has been booked for results for June 19th , but i really hope I'm asked to come in this week, as the unknown of what the battle will be is the worst feeling ever......

I hope and pray that anyone waiting for their results get some positive feedback as soon as possible.xx

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the Community but sorry to hear about your diagnoses.

    Navigating the cancer journey can be such a stressful and challenging time but getting support from people who have walked the ‘exact same' cancer journey can help a lot. (I have a completely different cancer).

    This New to Community area is like our reception desk where we look to try and direct you to the best part of the Community for you to get support. The Community is actually divided into dedicated Cancer Support Groups (Discussion Rooms) so can I recommend you join and post in our dedicated Breast Cancer support groups. This will be a safe place to talk to others with a similar diagnosis, treatment experience, to ask questions and get support.

    To connect in with the group please click on the links belowPoint down

             Breast cancer

             Breast cancer for the under-50s

    …… then once the group page opens click in the [Black - Click to Join - Banner] that appears at the bottom of the page and this will then confirm that you have joined the group.

    When you are ready……. you can introduce yourself by putting up your very own post by clicking [+ Create new post] or [ + ] in the top right of the group page.

    You can copy and paste the text from this post into your new post.

    You may find it helpful to call the Macmillan Support Line open 8am-8pm (timings may differ across services) 7 days a week on 0808 808 00 00. This service provides cancer information, practical information, emotional support, benefits/financial guidance or just a listening ear. We also have our Ask an Expert section but do allow 3 working days for a reply.

    Talking to people face to face can be very helpful so do check to see if you have any Local Macmillan Support in your area, do also check for a local Maggie's Centre as these folks are amazing and give support to all the family.

    Do get back to me if you need further help navigating the community.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi there!  I'm new too... same, got my diagnosis last Tuesday though.  I'm 42, no lumps but my boob shrank and they've found two different cancer lesions, grade 2.  I didn't really get much out of my initial diagnosis meeting but the next day watched the Sarah Bennie documentary which was incredibly helpful as hers was grade 3 and so I could understand why they put her through chemo first whereas there is suggestion of surgery first for me.. all in all, it made me feel a lot better about things.  I hope you are okay and you get more answers soon xxx

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to you…… you may want to follow up on the links and information I have put up for  as there is plenty support in the BC area of the community ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Jojo81 x

    So sorry to hear about your diagnoses, sending you love and strength.

    I had no initial symptoms other than finding a lump under my arm in early April that was biopsied on May 12th and confirmed in my lymph nodes. The grade is  2 but no staging as of yet.

    I will look to watch the Sarah Bennie Doc , thank you.

    Have they booked another follow-up-meeting for plan of action?


  • I got my results today, a week after my original biopsy showed a 4.5cm malignant thing Both ERA and PRA are responsive to hormone treatment. The HER2NEU test will be done after surgery, which will be in August. I'm still in shock and either look like I am managing or crying, or somewhere in the middle of the two. I'm very much a newbie too. 

  • They were waiting for MRI which I had yesterday... no mention of anything else.  I am weirdly in pain with my breast and trying to find some support with this as its not usually a cancer symptom and its what's bothering me the most at the mo.  Reading up looks like its oestrogen related.  They haven't said anything about the other tests but suggested surgery will be next xxx