Stepdad lung, kidney cancer and brain mets

  • 3 replies
  • 54 subscribers

I’ve always known about Macmillian but I’ve always hoped I’d never need to use it but sadly that is not the case currently. 

my stepdad is 56 and other than being a social smoker is the picture of health! Last week he woke up struggling to speak and I rang an ambulance as we thought he’d maybe had a stroke but what we were told is even worse. After a CT scan on his Brain it showed multiple brain mets which was delivered appallingly in a&e and came obviously as a huge shock. 
they then did a scan of his torso and it revealed cancer in his lung and kidney and he was then discharged as he passed the other tests. 
it feels like a bomb has been dropped on us and I’m absolutely terrified, he has to wait 2 weeks for an appt which I presume will only be to discuss next steps so we are looking at even longer before treatment can begin and I’m struggling to come to terms with the lack of speed. 
Earlier today his speech worsened and balance was off so he’s gone back up to a&e to try and get some answers or support.

i don’t know what I expect from this post but I suppose just some hope or guidance or anything that may help him. 
We cannot lose him and I’m absolutely terrified. 

thank you 

  • Hi  and welcome to the club nobody ever wanted to join.

    One thing I found was that what I needed to be the best help I could for my wife was to learn how to look after me, sometimes on here we talk about the idea of fitting your own oxygen mask first and you are so right to describe a diagnosis as a bombshell.

    We have a really good guide on here your feelings when someone has cancer and have dedicated groups too for Carers only forum  and Family and friends forum 

    In terms of treatment you are almost certainly right that the initial meeting will not lead directly to treatment as it is likely more tests will be needed to try to  the origin of the cancer in order that the right treatment can be given - there are so many options out there.



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  • Thanks for coming back to me Steve. 

    Trying to remain positive but it’s so hard! Obviously I’m positive when with my stepdad but it’s an overwhelming feeling at the moment as all we keep getting is bad news.

  • Hi so sorry for your news . We had the same situation with my dad in April had a seizure taken to A&E thought it was a stoke and told incurable brain tumours I realise A&E is fast paced and im grateful they stabilised him but could have been delivered better . We are two and a half weeks past first chemo due the next in 4 days . It has hit  him hard he has been exhausted and generally unwell we are just trying to take him out for a coffee and keep him moving he has become very inactive (he has a bad hip anyway ) As far as dealing with it I am just putting my all into him when I’m on my own it obviously plays on my mind all the time but it just seems to big and to much to deal with it feels like I can’t breathe when I think of the outcome . All as I can say is take each day as it comes don’t make plans because things seem to change we are also just at the start of this journey so I can’t give you much advice but chat to people if you can I have been trying to do that more and it does seem to be helping me as it was all just flying around in my head and also this forum seems great for getting your thoughts on paper (obviously not paper ) x
