Please help!

  • 8 replies
  • 39 subscribers

My dad had prostate cancer, and had his prostate removed.

The next 3 psa tests came back as undetectable. The next one came back at 0.6. It has spread to his spine and his lymph nodes around the prostate area. 

He was told on average, 3 to 5 years. 

He is having hormone treatment at the moment, and its making him so tired.. 

Will his body get used to it eventually, or will he always feel this way from now on??

My dad is my best friend, and he's all i have.. Im finding it hard to deal with the news, but i dont want him to see how badly its affecting me.

What can i do to deal with this properly, and what can i do to help him more?

Any information will be greatly received.

Thankyou xx

  • Hello   - A warm welcome to the online Community, I am so sorry to find you here.

    The Community is divided up into forums or chat rooms and the best place to find help and advice for your dad is the

     Prostate cancer forum 

    If you click on the link I have provided it will take you there. Once the page opens up if you just click "join" on the black banner at the bottom of the page you can then either copy and paste or repost your post in the section "New Here - Say Hello".

    You will get plenty of help and advice there as the Prostate Community are a great bunch ( I can vouch for that as I have Prostate Cancer! )

    I look forward to meeting you again on "our" community forum.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Blondie1178 and a warm welcome from me. Like your dad, I have advanced prostate cancer, i am on hormone therapy and been given up to 5 year to live and like Millibob (Brian) has said the prostate cancer forum is a great place for information, answers and support from wonderful caring people, ladies and men who will help you any way they can. take care.


  • Hi eddie,

    Thankyou so much for replying. I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering with cancer.. How are you feeling?? And would you mind me asking how does the hormone treatment affect you?? I know it makes my dad really really tired, but he has cancelled events he had in like august, september, because he says he will be tired, and doesnt know how he will feel.. 

    Im scared that he is just going to stop doing things, and not try to carry on as normal Pensive

    I will have to go to the forum you mentioned and maybe have a chat with someone. 

    I really hope that you're doing ok, and if you need to chat, im here

    Jo x

  • Hi Jo, thank you for asking, i am ok and it's great to see you have joined the prostate cancer forum, I have been on hormone therapy HT for nearly 2 years, and in the beginning it was tough i could barely walk 30 yards and non stop fatigue. Jo everyone on HT for prostate cancer gets fatigue the HT stops your body producing testosterone which is great for controlling the cancer, but it's a big blow to a mans energy levels, though the body can adjust and the way through it is exercise, do little and often to start, can be walking round the garden or up and down the stairs to start, if there's something he liked to do all the better. It is not a quick fix, but do a little more exercise every week and in a couple of months he will be fine and the exercise will also help him emotionally. My guess is he will regret cancelling those events. Jo i really am ok, not saying i am problem free, but i'm happy with how i feel and wit life in general. Jo i looked after my mum until she died of lung cancer, so if i can help you in any way please ask .hope to catch up on the prostate forum, best wishes


  • My heart goes out to you, it is so hard to lose a loved parent. Just show him that you love him and don't be afraid to show your feelings, to hide them will hurt you too much. Let him see how much you love him. Remember that tears are healing too.

  • Hiya eddie. 

    Yes, thankyou for recommending it. Im finding it so helpful. Wow, thankyou for explaining everything to me. I feel so much better having a bit more of an understanding about HT.  It would be fab if the exercise helps emotionally aswel, as my dad suffers with ptsd, and is having a bit of a bad time with that too. 

    I am so so glad that you're feeling ok. You really are doing amazing. Thats great to hear.  Oh bless, that must have been hard. 

    Thankyou ever so much for taking the time to help me, i really really appreciate it. 

    Thanks eddie,

    Jo x

  • Hi there.

    Im dreading it when the time comes. I cant even think about it!! I will definitely be letting him know more than ever how much i love him. 

    Thankyou so much

    Jo x

  • Hi Jo, I'm happy to help, and exercise is really good for you emotionally, It releases dopamine and seratonin which are called the feel good hormones into the brain, Sorry to hear your dad has PTSD, a condition which is talked about on the prostate cancer forum. take care.

    Eddie xx