Advice please?

  • 3 replies
  • 37 subscribers


Sorry not sure if this is how to use this group, not even sure I'm in the right place? But I'll start by telling you a bit about me I suppose.

My name is Sam. I'm 37 years old, female with children. The  reason I have found myself here, I guess is because I'm frightened and not really sure of anything. Not really sure about next steps or what should be happening right now.

I have had a strange feeling for maybe 6 months, which I suppose I have ignored as it hasn't really bothered me much. When I lean over, I feel like as though there's a 'ball' inside me left side, really low down in my tummy area. There's noting to feel on the outside. No real pain, although on reflection there has been times where I have felt an intense burning type sensation in the same area. Any way I was at my GP few days ago for something unrelated and I dropped my keys leaned over to pick them up and felt this ball again, so thought I'd mention it to GP while there. GP had a feel and said yes, yes definately feels very full there. Started asking questions you relate to cancer of the bowel, however also said it might b slightly higher than the bowel, could be ovary. Ordered bloods, Qfit test and referred me to gyne and GI for further investigations. I asked should I be concerned and GP replied wait to we get all results and we will get all info back we will go from there. On reflection once home, I had denied any pain but realised about the burning type sensation. They also asked about changes to bowel habits. There has been nothing new as such however, for last few years there has been big changes, loose stools, mucus type stools, urge sometimes urge incontinence. I had spoke to GP about this and had some investigations, which resulted in being told its a type of prolapse from childbirth causing issues. Obviously now having thought about all this I have tied myself up in knots and imagining all sorts. I know that is very premature, but I am really frightened. 

If you have got this far with me, thank you! I suppose what I'm asking is what will happen now or what investigations will be happening? Does anyone have any idea of a time frame for investigations or results etc.

And also if the results come back with bad news, what happens then?

I don't know maybe I am in the wrong place to ask all this, maybe I needed to get it all out to others who have maybe felt the same fears the same feelings of uncertainty and not knowing?

Any advice is really appreciated 


  • Hi Samb37 and a warm welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear you are anxious and frightened waiting for your test results, and the uncertainty is awful which is perfectly normal as is fearing the worst, we have all been there. Sam your GP is right only your test result will be able to show what's going on, I would be guessing to give my opinion though i can tell you mucus in your stools is a normal bodily function and if mucus levels are raised i would not have cancer at the top of my list, please take care.


  • Thank you for your reply. Ro be honest the bowel habits probably aren't what's concerning me to be honest, I suppose that's why I didn't really elaborate with the gp on that. I'm more worried about what I can feel. Altho in saying that I was muddling on with it for months, just having now mentioned it to gp and all that has followed has just really really frightened me.

  • Hi Sam the uncertainty is the worst, once you get your results things do get a little easier. I would tell you not to worry, but we all did. My best wishes for your results,
