
  • 4 replies
  • 38 subscribers

I am new to this group and in the process of finding out if my 16cm tumour is malignant or not.

I was told when it was initially found that it highly likely it is, but the main issue is that the doctors can't seem to be sure where it is coming from - 2 different departmental MDT meetings later and no further forward.

My doctor has said that I shouldn't worry as if it was malignant, the hospital would have acted to remove it by now - wherever it is coming from. However, I'm not convinced and it's worrying me. 

They haven't done a biopsy but it was after the MRI that they said it looked malignant - ORAD 5 high risk or something on the report. Presumably given the size too, it would seem likely to be cancer, wouldn't it?

My abdomen now feels so sore and bruised. The nausea is getting worse. All my bloods are normally apparently so no sign of infection. I suppose it's the tumour pressing down is it?

After treatment, do most people have to take medication for a period of time to prevent the cancer returning or does it depend on its location?

  • Hello Glass Not Full, and welcome to the community, can i ask if you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer or are you still waiting for a diagnosis. 

  • Hi eddiel,

    I’m still waiting to be diagnosed. They initially thought it was ovarian cancer but they think now the tumour is a bit high for it to be that. So now they’re considering other options, including renal or sarcoma.

    Although they don’t even seem sure it is cancer anymore - could be benign. I’m obviously holding on to that possibility and hope!!

  • Hi again, I hope you get good news soon, as i know just the mention of cancer can make you think some unpleasant thoughts, so try not to worry too much, i know easier said than done, anyway it's my bedtime, so goodnight an take care, Eddie

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll both find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    Firstly, I'm very sorry that your post has been missed by those of us who are here to welcome new members to the community and point them in the right direction to connect with others for support and shared experiences.

    The online community is divided into different support forums, and I can see from your reply to eddiel that you're being investigated for possible ovarian cancer, kidney cancer or a sarcoma.

    If you'd like to connect with others who have been through the diagnosis process for those types of cancer, please click on the links below which will take you directly to those groups.

    Once you've joined, you can start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.

    Once again, I'm sorry for the delayed response to your post, and if you have any problems negotiating the community just reply to me and I'll be pleased to help if I can.


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