
  • 4 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Not sure where to start with this, still in shock really.

i went to AAU for a diabetic kidney related issue and came home with the news I have a growth in my retcal area.

I'm trying to keep a level head until everything is confirmed and planning to enjoy Christmas with minimal tears, which usually happen when I’m alone.

Can I ask if anyone has any mental health tips for keeping it together? How did you cope on being told?


  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the Community but sorry to hear about your ongoing diagnoses.

    I have been on my incurable blood cancer journey for over 24 years but over these years I have had various other investigations and just this last year I had a lot of tests done in my colon/rectal area and thankfully nothing was found…….

    Over all my years we have always worked on a mindset that until we were told there was a problem then there was not.

    Navigating this journey can be such a stressful and challenging time but getting support from people who have walked the ‘exact same' journey can help a lot.

    The New to Community is like our reception desk where we look to direct you to the best part of the Community for you to get support. The Community is divided into dedicated Cancer Support Groups (Discussion Rooms) so can I recommend you join and post in our dedicated Rectum Cancer support group. This is a safe place to talk to others with a similar diagnosis, treatment experience, to ask questions and get support.

    To connect in with the group click on this link> Bowel (colon and rectum) cancer then once the group page opens click on “Click to Join” when the black banner appears or “Join” under “Group Tools” (this all depends on the device you are using)

    When you are ready you can introduce yourself by clicking “+new” or “+” in the top right next to the group title. You can copy and paste the text from this post into your new post.

    Do get back to me if you need further help navigating the community.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello BexOak, Your doing the right thing in planning to enjoy Christmas, and as Mike says why worry about something that may never happen, but naturally the mere mention of cancer makes that more difficult even with no diagnosis many fear the worst, the best advice would be to keep busy, a little exercise is good for the mind and don't go to bed until you are sure you can fall asleep quickly as lying awake in bed in the dark your mind wanders. Like Mike my cancer is not curable, "i know that's not filling you with hope", but nobody has told you that you have cancer. and many cancers are curable or treatable for a long time. BexOak most people understandably don't cope well with being told they have cancer, or the thought they may have it, When you go to get your test results take a friend with you as should the worst happen you probably won't remember much about the meeting, please take care and happy Christmas, Eddie

  • Thank you  you’re the logical part of my mind that has gone into hiding!

    I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. 

    I’ll join the other group and thank you again for the advice 

  • Thank you   like Mike, you have provided the logic I’m missing!

    As you say the mention of ‘that word’ turns your world upside down. Especially when you’ve lost loved one to it. 

    I’m lucky to have my wonderful husband by my side through this.

    Have a wonderful Christmas