Terrified I may have Lymphoma

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  • 36 subscribers

I’m really sorry if this is an inappropriate post as I’ve not actually been diagnosed, I just don’t know where to turn. I am a 32 year old Mum to an almost 1 year old and I have recently found a lymph node in my neck which became rather swollen, despite me not being unwell to my knowledge. I developed itching all over my legs most nights, unbearable, and a quick Google search led me straight to the Dr’s because of the similarities with lymphoma symptoms. Dr agreed that she could feel the node, and although she said she was positive it was in response to an infection, she has booked me in for an ultrasound scan to ‘put my mind at rest’ as she knows my history with health anxiety. I had bloods done which came back normal. 

My scan is next Tuesday and I am besides myself with worry. Since my GP appointment, the lymph node in question has reduced considerably, but I’m now more worried about one on the other side of my neck that I know I’ve had for many years, but feels larger! The itching continues but comes and goes. I’m scared of all aspects of the scan appointment. Will I be told on the day if everything’s ok / if it isn’t? Or will I have to wait for a result? Will they scan more than one node? Do my symptoms sound typical of lymphoma? If they need to biopsy will they do that on the day? I’m so terrified of leaving behind my Baby. Making myself ill with stress. I will admit I have ‘diagnosed’ myself with several cancers over the years and have been fortunately ok. This anxiety is unbearable. Love to anybody in this position or battling any type of cancer right now Heart️ thank you if you got this far. 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the Macmillan Community but sorry to hear about your ongoing concerns.

    I was diagnosed way back in 1999 with a very rare incurable but treatable type of Lymphoma…… and I am still here living a great life.

    It’s good that your GP is showing due diligence and sending you for an ultrasound……  based on my many years experience living with Lymphoma when your Lymph-nodes start to grow they keep growing…… they don’t go down so let’s trust that your GP is correct in that this is a reaction to an infection…… this happens all the time to me when I have an infection.

    The Diagnosis of Lymphoma is a very precise journey so let’s see what the ultrasound says and take it from there……. Google is truly not a healthy place to get your information from…….. trust the system to find answers.

    The Macmillan Support Line is open 8am-8pm (timings may differ across services) 7 days a week on 0808 808 00 00. This service provides cancer information, practical information, emotional support or just a listening ear.

    Always around to chat.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello Mike, and thank you for your reply! Great to hear you are doing well yourself. 

    I promised myself I’d write back here once I’d had my ultrasound scan, regardless of the outcome. So I went along today, and they did a thorough check of the concerning lymph nodes in my neck, even checking one just in front of my ear when I asked if they could, which was very kind of them. The dr examining me told me that all the lymph nodes were benign, small, and not any cause for concern. This gave me great relief, however she then asked me if I ever have a sensation of something being in my throat when I swallow. In fact I do - I’d put it down to perhaps a tonsil stone type thing, as I’ve suffered with those before. She said it could well be this, but she could see a definite lump at the back of my throat that she wouldn’t ordinarily expect to see.

    She’s referred me to ENT for them to check it but reassured me that it was nothing sinister and likely a cyst or tonsil stone. Of course now my mind goes to the worst! 

    I guess I’m just wanting some support or reassurance that I can listen to the professionals and she wouldn’t tell me “there is nothing to worry about, this is a non urgent check” if she had any concerns about said lump being cancerous. It’s all just such a worry and I wondered if anybody had had a similar scenario happen to them. 

    TIA x 

  • Hi again and this is good news with regards to Lymphoma……

    From my many years (24 years) experience dealing with multiple medical professionals (Dermatology, ENT, Oncology, Audiology, Radiology, Respretory, Urology, Colorectal, Cardiology and Stem Cell Transplant) I am rather confident that if there was any doubt you would have been put on a 2 week pathway….. it is a matter of trust……

    Just this past year I have been investigated for both Colon, Bowel and Prostate cancers but no cancer was found and what was there was dealt with simply.

    But you will still be concerned so you monitor any symptoms and if there are any significant changes you go talk with your GP and take it from there.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge