Out of the blue

  • 5 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forum and joined because I don't know how else to manage this.  My son has not yet had his biopsy but has been told by an A&E Dr that lymphoma is the most likely cause of the sudden swelling on his neck.

He woke up 48 hours ago with a huge lump on his neck.  He went straight to A&E where he baffled the nurse and consultant. The lump feels like it's on his muscle over the lymph node.

He had blood tests, ultrasound, CT scan and chest xray and after all of that he was told byva different Dr that it is likely to be lymphoma. 

He has a biopsy booked for Thursday.  In the meantime, the lump seems to be growing and he told me last night that the Dr seemed to expect this and that if it begins to restrict his breathing then he has to go straight back in to A&E.

I'm wavering between believing that it's madness to think it's cancer and that the Dr was too cavalier in telling him that it is the most likely cause to believing it is cancer.  The wait for the biopsy is hell enough but from what I've read it then takes a further 2 weeks for the results.

Is it usual for lymphoma to present so dramatically and so suddenly? Does it mean that this is particularly aggressive and by the time he gets a proper diagnosis it'll be too late to treat?  What if the lump gets so big that he stops breathing in his sleep?

He is in his mid 20s and lives a two hour drive away.  His brother and I drove over there to pick him up and bring him home for however long he wants to stay.  His biopsy and any treatment will be in the city where he lives and his brother and I will try to be with him for every visit. 

How do I comfort him?

Any words from those who have been down this path would be very welcome please.

Many thanks xx

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that your son may have a lymphoma diagnosis and it's natural to have lots of questions.

    I can see that you've already joined the Hodgkin lymphoma group and this would be a good place to ask your questions around the potential diagnosis, speed of growth, etc.

    If you need any help finding your way around the community just drop me a reply and I'll do my best to help.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks for replying  .  I am struggling to navigate the forums tbh.  

    I thought I had bookmarked the forums I had joined but it doesn't seem to have worked.  Is there an easy way to find the forums I have joined please?

  • Hi  

    It does take a little while to get used to how the site works.

    The easiest way to find the forums that you have joined is to go to the Online Community Home page and your forums should be listed under 'Your top forums' or 'Your most active groups' depending on the device you're using.

    You can also see them by clicking on your icon image at the top of the page, then selecting 'profile'. From there select 'groups' and you'll see all the groups you have joined. You can also see the posts you've started and replied to from your profile page under the heading 'activity'.

    I hope this helps


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • That's really helpful  . Thank you so much.

  • Hi  I help out on our Lymphoma groups and have just put up a reply to your post in the Hodgkin lymphoma group.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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