Feel so stupid

  • 1 reply
  • 37 subscribers

Good morning : I am so very scared and frightened and keep bursting into tears - such a baby - my family have been very supportive and keep telling me to be positive but all I can see are negatives at the moment and I haven’t even got a firm diagnosis. I am still waiting for the referral appointment with Respiratory.

The trouble is my wife is suffering from dementia and she needs me to help her through the day. She can still do a few things but she gets so confused and shakey. Our two boys are both very sensible 25 and 23 years olds with their heads screwed on right. Something else that upsets me - will I see their children?

I only had a CT scan last Saturday and found out yesterday morning from my GP that I have an unidentified mass at the top of my left lung. I immediately think the worst. I don’t have any real symptoms- no weight loss, no pain in shoulders, arms, hands or feet, no breathlessness - just a very dull ache under my sternum. I can still walk the dogs for five miles a day.

Sorry to waffle about things, not very well constructed message but I just wanted to down put how I feel to other people who might know how I am feeling or am I the only stupid one? I don’t want to be a minority of one.

  • Hi  

    You are certainly not a baby for feeling as you do. The stage before having an actual diagnosis can be a very scary time. Most people find that once they know what the treatment plan is they feel more in control.

    I replied to you when you first posted in this group and suggested that you join and post in the lung cancer group (link) as the people there will be able to help with any questions, share experiences and give support. I can see that you did post there and wondered if you meant to post this there too? Clicking on the link will take you there.

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