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Im not sure where to post this?

I have been off work since the end of August 2023 I contacted my employer NHS to explain I am going to be off due to my bowel cancer diagnosis.

I also volunteer for the police & they have been so supportive I could not fault them.

I have only had  couple of wts app messages from my line manager! I have worked there for 14 years & I am shocked that I have not received any support at all.

Surely this is not normal practice? I am considering raising a grievance, although I do not want this to make me feel more anxious, I’m just frustrated that other employees going through similar have experienced what I have.

On the positive side I have been grateful to have family & friends support but not everyone has this.

  • Hi  and sorry to hear about the challenges you are having. I see that you have posted in our Bowel (colon and rectum) cancer support group in the past (but you you have not actually joined the group so with doing this) 

    As for raising a grievance against the NHS you may want to take advice on this as there may well be protocol’s with regards to how your employer supports you and contacts you - I have no real idea.

    Could I suggest the you call the Macmillan Support Line is open 8am-8pm (timings may differ across services) 7 days a week on 0808 808 00 00. This service provides practical information, benefits/financial/work guidance.

    We also have our Ask an Expert section but do allow a few working days for a reply.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • My mum also works for the NHS with stage 4 cancer and has nothing but badgering on when coming back and formal meeting letter regarding long term sickness absence which I think is disgusting. I am pretty sure if you are sending sick notes they shouldn't be contacting you very much. My mum has had supportive messages from her work pals though so I totally understand how you may feel on that part, they might not know what to say or may feel they don't want to disturb you through this difficult time but I know it's a hard lonely journey to be on. Are you quite good friends either your line manager anyway? X

  • HI   A warm welcome to MacMillan Cancer Support

    The issue with large employers and some NHS organisations is that the payroll department is "outsourced" and "human resources" is understaffed and overworked. (A friend is in HR at our local NHS Trust). There is little or no staff training on the "Shop floor" regarding sickness and details of ill health are just passed up the line.

    It's more than likely that you will hear from them once you have completed 26/28 weeks off work and are invited in for "medical screening" to assess your disability.

    I know this is harsh and it's no reward for being a loyal servant for 14 years - however I also have a friend in a similar situation where at the NHS trust he had a particular job. Hi illness (not cancer related) forced him off work and he was unable to return to his original job and at his age didn't want to retrain. In his case he spoke to the trade union representative who fully supported him about the "shabby" treatment he had (his line manager kept ringing him up with words like "when are you coming back)". In the end he received an apology from the trust and a good pay off as he wasn't returning to work. 

    There's one thing about cancer - you find out just who your true friends are!

    Best wishes with the Bowel cancer treatment - and I hope the above helps a little with your situation.


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    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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