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  • 37 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I am 42 Year old with 3 kids (2 natural birth one c-section) I have had a cyst on my right ovary for many years but it was always 4cm or so never seemed to concern the doctors or it was not investigated further. Recently, I had a pelvic and abdominal CT as I've been having some pain during bowel movements when I have my period. My doctor thought it could possibly be some endometriosis but called for CT to check into it. CT came back with no findings other than a cyst on my ovary (CT reported it as somewhat heterogenous adnexal lesion) which they recommended an ultrasound to look further.

Today I had the ultrasound and the findings show a 5.9 cm complex cystic lesion on my right ovary with mural nodule. They recommended a MRI without gadolinium for further characterization.

I googled complex cyst with mural nodule and all I see is ovarian cancer and really scary stuff and I'm literally so full of anxiety right now, I am actually shaking I'm so terrified! My stomach has been turning all night. I am going to schedule the MRI tomorrow but I feel like I'm going to be in complete fear until I figure out what's going on. I can't focus on anything else but thinking what if it's cancer what if it's cancer. :( So scared!

Has anyone had anything similar and what were your outcomes? I really hope I am freaking out for nothing and all will be ok but I'm extremely terrified. Hoping someone can calm my fears!

  • Hi Katy0607 welcome to the forum. 

    Dr Google is a great tool, but as you have found to your peril, not specific enough to be individualised, which is what all the tests are for you be certain and specific.  I noticed in your post that you typed in to google "complex cyst with mural nodule" when what they have said is that it is  a "complex cystic lesion with mural nodule". These are two very different things, hence why we always say to people DO NOT GOOGLE and ask instead in a place like here where people or the knowledgeable folks at Macmillan can give you facts. Please pick up the phone asap, they open again at 8am and speak to them and see if they can give you any information re this and maybe put you in  touch with one of the Nurses.  08088080000. 


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