Ringing the bell to show treatment finished

  • 2 replies
  • 51 subscribers

I rang the bell today my treatments done. What to do now? Just get on with life but it will never be the same. How do you lose the fear of it coming back.

  • Hi , congratulations on ringing the bell, I’m not aware if my hospital has one. I had one year off treatment (I hoped it would have lasted a lot longer) but it was a great year where I decided to concentrate on improving my fitness, moving on from a walking group, I joined a cancer rehab gym session and started walking Netball, and started volunteering for Macmillan, so keeping busy and doing enjoyable things meant not loosing the fear exactly but only thinking about it when a scan letter arrives, and when the results are due. 

    I hope you become comfortable with the new you, and get support on the days you might think about a recurrence, and enjoy all of the time in between. To find others who have finished treatment can I suggest you join the life after cancer group the link is below for you to click on.


    As there are people with lots of different cancers in the the group it may help to complete your profile, just click on your user name, press edit profile, type away and press save. If you click on my user name you will see although I’m back on treatment I haven’t given up being a complete responder with no evidence of disease again. 

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Thank you for your reply with some good advice.

    Kalwally x