Lost alone and acares

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Feel so lost and alone 

In feb 2018 my mum got diagnosed with kidney cancer this was a shock but I remained strong 

We where told there was no treatment unless she last weight in a year and a half she went from 25st to 16st since loosing the weight she started getting breathing issues her legs would feel like jelly but we where told it's nothing to worry about 

Last few months she ended up spending alot of her time in and out of hospital for blood transfusions 

This time she was admitted 2 weeks and 3 days ago for another transfusion was told she wont he released until she starts walking again 

Wednesday 13th we where told she is doing well and hopefully be coming home on the 15th this hasn't happened 

15th november we get a phone call at 5.30 to say she had a turn can u come down so we did and she had seizure which she came round so later on that day her parents visited so we took a break during this break we where told to come back am she had two seizures and wasnt fully conscious so we sat there talking so she could hear 8pl that night the registra came and spoke to is and warned us to be prepared min of 24 to 48 hours this broke us. I asked what's her recovery and they said none either the cancer will kill her or the largr blood clot x

Saturday 16th shes awake and confused family friends visit yet we havent told her what we have been told 

Sunday mum phones ar 6.45am saying her teeth been ripped out and her stiff been stolen phoned hospital they said dont worry she also phoned ambulance then she rang my cousin then rang my dad and my cousin again then back to calling dad 3 more times with her saying she is sat on a wall 

Please help I'm struggling 

  • Hi  and welcome to the Online Community, although I am sorry to see you finding us and so sorry to hear the issues you are facing with your mum. This is a hard time for all the family. but talking with people can help and especially folks who are on the same journey can help a lot.

    Can I first direct you to our various Macmillan Support Line Services to be helpful - call them on 0808 808 00 00 This free service covers Emotional Support, Practical Information. Clinical Information, Financial Support and Work Guidance mostly open 8.00 to 8.00 but check the link

    You may also find our Supporting Someone with Incurable Cancer support groups to be good places where you can connect with others support family through their cancer journey but more importantly the carers care for each other

    Just follow the link above, hitting ‘Join the Group’ tab just under the main group name, then go to the 'Start a Discussion' tab and set up your own Discussion and introduce yourself to the group - you could just copy an paste what you have in this first post.

    All the very best ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Thank you