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  • 50 subscribers

Hi I started Paclitexal and am really suffering chronic pain. They reduced treatment by 20% but pain is just as bad. On Zapain and ibuphopen 600mg but not touching the pain.

Can anyone give any advice on how to relieve this pain. Can hardly walk or move without being in tears. 

  • FormerMember


    I am sorry to hear you’re in such bad pain. I have had paclitaxel a couple of times, once in combination with carboplatin and once by itself. I had pain in the long bones in my arms and legs when I had the combo but not when I had it as a single agent. But nothing like you are experiencing - it sounds awful. 

    So I am sorry to say I have nothing useful that might help except to say call your clinical nurse specialist or the chemo unit right away. 

    What sort of cancer do you have? If you can let me know, I would be happy to direct you to a group within the community where you might get some more support. 

    All the best