Recovery time

  • 1 reply
  • 51 subscribers

Hi I’m new to this group I have  had major surgery for vulva cancer and groin lymph node removal 7 weeks ago , I seem to be taking ages to recover from this and I am starting to feel bad about being off work so long. I definatelly don’t feel ready to go back to work yet. Any advice 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that you feel it's taking a long time to recover from your recent major surgery. I see from your activity that you've found and joined the vulva cancer group and I'm sure if you post this there you'll benefit from the experiences and support of other ladies over there.

    To do that click on the link I've created, which will take you straight back to that group, and then click on 'start a discussion'. You can then copy and paste your introduction from here to save you typing it out again.


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