Post op vulva cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 51 subscribers

Hi there

I was ill at Christmas which lead to my Lichen Sclerosis to flair up. Prior to this I had managed the condition without any issue, diagnosed ten years ago during a full hysterectomy. A small spot began to grow on my vulva,  so I saw my GP who referred me back to Gynecology. I was supposed to be seen in six weeks but it was six months before I was biopsied. A few weeks before my 50th birthday I was told there were some pre cancerous cells, Differentiated VIN, linked to my LS.

A week after my birthday I under went surgery to remove the cells. However there was a change and I was told I had cancer...devastated as I would recover from one lot of surgery to then be mutilated again!   

Im almost two weeks post second round of surgery. The swelling in my vulva and groin is pretty grim. One of my lymph node removal sites has been checked out as it popped. It was a shock and my bed looked like a scene from a Hitchcock movie! 

Any advice on helping the swelling go down would be fab please. 

#fofofoghter #fragvag #warriorintraining 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community at what sounds like a very difficult time for you.

    I'm not surprised that you were devastated when you were told that what you thought was a pre-cancer turned out to be vulva cancer.

    Could I suggest that you join the vulva cancer group as I'm sure you'll benefit from the experiences and support of other ladies who have been through the same procedures as you.

    To join just click on the link I've created and then choose 'join this group' on the pages that opens. You can then copy and paste your question from here into a new post after selecting 'start a discussion' and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.


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