My partner’s recent diagnosis

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ive joined because I don’t know where else to turn. My partner cracked three ribs last October time- X-ray showed slight thickening in one lung so advised a scan after 6 months as they weren’t concerned about it but wanted to keep eye on it. Before that time was up he started experiencing pain in his back- went to docs told probably a virus take pain killers see how it was in 6 weeks. Before 6 weeks up he woke up with severe chest pain- called 111 ambulance sent. No visible signs of heart attack etc but paramedic went down to surgery and waited until it opened- made appointment with doc and explained symptoms. This is now April. Referred for scan. Waited 2 weeks for scan . Called in to see lung consultant two days later. Significant thickening of lung- told it is asbestos related disease but wanted another scan to find out how serious-another waiting game - this scan inconclusive- had to have biopsy- 2 weeks waiting for results- met with consultant again- not asbestos related disease nor lung cancer. The indications are it’s breast cancer but it’s not showing how they normally expect so want a PET scan- this was last Wednesday- heard from hospital on the Friday - scan to be on Saturday. That afternoon another phone call- scanner broken down- he now has appointment for scan next Tuesday

IN the meantime he is now in considerable pain and struggling to breathe and has a terrible cough- can’t get doctors appointment until next Fridayso no help from there. All this has taken so long and we still don’t have definitive diagnosis and he is so ill now with no quality of life and I just don’t know how to help him- I’m sure he’s now depressed because no one is doing anything to help him. He’s supposed to be now under the care of our Mermaid Centre ( breast cancer unit)but that won’t happen until pet scan done. Everything is a waiting game and he is now so very poorly. How do I get something done sooner rather than later. Sorry for the rant- I can’t believe how long everything is taking- is this usual???

  • Hi  and welcome to the Online Community, although I am sorry to see you finding us and so sorry to hear about the issues your partner is having.

    Th waiting can be so frustrating but it is unfortunately part of the diagnosis journey and the challenges facing the NHS. Been in his shoes and can totally understand and in my case my condition took over a year to find the answer for........ but I am doing well so don't panic, just keep pushing the door.

    If he is in server pain and in distress I would recommend you call your GP and explain the nature of the problems, if that does not work phone 111 and get advise or even go to A&E 

    A cancer diagnosis can bring a lot of stress, confusion and questions but talking with people who are on the same journey can help a lot.

    Can I direct you to this links to our Breast cancer Forum where you will connect with people who understand the journey your partner is on. You can ask the folks questions about tests, treatments and what to expect during the months ahead. 

    Follow the link above and join the group by hitting the ‘Join the Group’ tab just under the main group name and it is worth indicating how you want to receive email notifications when someone answers your posts.

    Go to the 'Start a Discussion' tab just under the main group name and set up your own Discussion and introduce yourself to the group - you could just copy an paste what you have in this first post. 

    We do have these forums where you can connect with others supporting family and friends through their cancer journey: Carers Forum  and Friends and Family Forum

    You may find our various Macmillan Support Line Services to be helpful - call them on 0808 808 00 00 This free service covers Emotional Support, Practical Information. Clinical Information, Financial Support and Work Guidance mostly open 8.00 to 8.00 but check the link.

    We also have our ‘Ask an Expert’. section where you can post questions to our mostly Volunteer Experts but please allow 2 working days to get a reply.

    Our Online Information and Support Section  is a good place to find information covering cancer diagnosis, treatments and pages covering most types of cancers.

    When you feel up to it try putting some information in your profile. This really helps others when answering. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. Just click on YOUR username, select 'Edit Profile'. Put as much or as little in your profile and you can amend it at any time - you can see members profiles by hitting our forum names.

    All the very best and a big ((hug))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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