My dad is selling his house to pay for a care home

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He was diagnosed with prostate cancer over 5 years ago and was told that he would live 5 years .

He had a fall  January 28 broke his arm and was unable to walk. They did an mri  scan about 5 weeks ago and found another lesion at the bottom of the spine that was pressing  against spinal cord this put light on the fact that he was unable to walk and was in lots of pain. They gave him one shot of radio therapy that appears to have shrunk it and he has a little More mobility and small improvements daily. He was in a hospital convalescing home but he was constantly being told he would have to go home, we had all the necessary equipment put in place including in a stairlift he also would need careers. He didn't feel confident enough to give it a try at home, so he has now put his house up for sale to pay for a care home and as of last week he has gone into a care this right ? even though he was told over 5 years ago he had 5 years to live (terminal cancer). I feel he is making a big mistake ( heavily encouraged by my brother and his wife as it would make life a breeze for them as they live a few hundred miles away). I don't have a husband or children so I've been there for my dad every step of the way day and night, from getting into AE on several occasions right down to simple blood tests. He just won't listen to me

  • Hi  and welcome to the online community

    It must have been terrible news for your dad and all your family to discover that he has a lesion at the bottom of his spine. However, it's great news that the radiotherapy seems to have shrunk it and you're noticing daily improvements.

    I can understand that it must be very hard for you to realise that your dad no longer feels confident at home and that he would rather live in a care home. You don't say whether you lived with him but, if not, then perhaps he feels more confident knowing that there's always someone near by in his new home.

    None of us here can tell you whether your dad's decision to sell his house and move into a care home is the right thing to do.You have done your bit by explaining why you think he'd be better staying in his own house but he seems to have made up his mind. Hopefully the care home isn't too far away from where he used to live so you'll still be able to visit him and continue to make memories.

    Wishing you and your dad all the best


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