I have Cancer now do i panic ?

  • 3 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all . I've been diagnosed with breast cancer I find out next week what happens next I've been told I'll probably need a masceptemy and reconstruction. After that I find out what's next chemo or radiotherapy  I've told a friend and my partner. But am trying to find a way to tell my grownup kids who live a distance away and tell others.  I'm normally a strong person whose always refused to be a victim but don't want to see the pity in people's eyes when you say you have cancer.I want to rant, rave, scream and cry. Is this normal/reasonable ? How did others tell family ? Thank you for letting me ramble. X

  • FormerMember

    Hello Slats

    Welcome to MacMillian and the crazy world of cancer.

    Firstly it’s perfectly normal to want to rant, rave, scream and cry, and perfectly reasonable too. You’ve just had a life changing diagnosis. I’ve had a few, total emotional meltdowns over my diagnosis, so feel free to join in.

    Like yourself, I’ve two grown up kids, one is at home, and one lives away. I simply told them what was happening to me, what my diagnosis is, and the treatment I was to have. They had a bit of an emotional wobble, but they’re grown adults and proved to be quiet resilient in coping, and dealing with my diagnosis. Don’t be afraid to tell them. Be honest. I’m sure they’d want to know.

    Best wishes on your journey

  • FormerMember


    Welcome to the community- although I’m sorry you find yourself here. It’s the club no one wants to join but for many of us it’s a lifeline where we can rant, rave and scream in safety and to people who know what it’s like. 

    So first of all, you’re not alone. Yes whatever you are feeling is entirely normal and reasonable. You are still the strong person you’ve always been and in no way are you a victim. But you’ve had some bad news, your plans are going to have to change and that’s going to take some adjustment. I’d suggest that panic rarely solves anything.

    This period of limbo between hearing that you have cancer and starting on treatment is so, so hard. Most people find they feel more settled once they have a plan in place and they know what they are dealing with. I hope you will too. 

    Telling family and friends is tough. It can feel like a new trauma each time. You will know best how your adult children will want you to handle this. Are they going to want to hear strong mum, ready to handle whatever gets thrown her way? Or is there room for you to be scared and need them to comfort you? It’s worth thinking this through. 

    I have been in treatment on and off for five years. I find a WhatsApp group for family is useful. I can update everyone at once and then we can get on with having a nice time. 

    Do join the breast cancer group in this community. They are fab. There’s so much knowledge and experience and you’ll be in good hands. 

    Meanwhile, don’t forget to breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Repeat. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Here’s a link to the breast cancer group. 

