found a lump in my vagina

  • 2 replies
  • 50 subscribers

terrified is an understatement...

foumd lump 2 wks ago, got a male GP... I’m full time Carer to 2 kids with ASD. Got no one to talk to and looking for much needed support....

anyone offer some support/guidance?

  • FormerMember

    Hi and welcome to the online community and we all know that this is last place on earth you want to be but I'm glad you've reached to us.

    We are all here to listen to you and give you all the support you need either from the group members or from one of our Ask an Expert groups.

    Before pointing you to a suitable group would you be able to tell us some more about yourself and you can do this by simply hitting your name at the top of the page and this will take you back to your home page click on Edit my profile and start you tell your story and your journey so far, it really does help others to answer any future questions.

    Has your GP given you a diagnosis and arranged further tests to determine the cause.

    One of the sections in the ask an expert section is the Ask a Nurse where you can ask questions of a specialist nurse (click on the green text then click on start a discussion and ask any questions you have.)

    Once we get you into a group the members will spring into action and do what they do best - they give help, advice and support to each other and are ready to be there for you, whenever you need them.

    I look forward to hearing more about you and getting you into the right place to meet new friends who all have gone through the same as you are in now and will share their experiences with you.

    I hope this helps you, feel free to ask as many questions as you want.


  • FormerMember


    That is no fun. You sound worried and I can imagine it took some courage to post here in the community.

    I am not a doctor but I have been through a gynae cancer diagnosis so I understand your reluctance to go to see your GP. The prospect of having to say out loud what’s going on and then to have the inevitable internal exam is enough to put anyone off.

    But I can also tell you it’s best to get these things checked out by your doctor and to do it sooner rather than later. Trust me, there’s nothing you’ve got that he hasn’t seen before. It might help to practice saying out loud in front of a mirror “I have a lump in my vagina”. I know that sounds ridiculous but I also know how hard it is to speak about something like this in front of a male doctor  

    There are a number of things that can cause a lump in the vagina including a cyst where the glands have got blocked. If this is the cause, you’ll likely need antibiotics.  I guess you’re here because you’re worried about cancer and the only reassuring thing I can say is that vagjnal cancer is very rare. Like any cancer, it’s easier to treat if it’s caught early.

    So once again, go to see your GP. Just in case, I’m going to say this again and very loud: GO TO YOUR GP. 

    If you want to speak to someone in person then do call the Macmillan helpline. 

    Good luck!