Anal cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 50 subscribers

My husband has recently been with diagnosed with anal cancer and is due to start radiotherapy treatment on 15th April.  For the last 2 or 3 days he has felt sick, although he hasn't been.  He is also constipated.  Have tried Lactulose as he has Type 2 diabetes but this hasn't worked.  Would appreciate any advice.

  • Hi  and welcome to the Online Community, although I am so sorry to see the circumstance that brought you here and so sorry to hear that your husband has been diagnosed with Anal Cancer.

    I am Mike Thehighlander and I help out on the Community and I will do my best to direct you to the best place for you to find the support and help you need. On my long journey I found the best way to navigate the various challenges that a cancer diagnosis brings was by talking with people who are on the same journey.

    My cancer journey was rather different but if you follow this LINK to our Anal Cancer Forum you will be able to connect with people who understand the journey you are on.

    Just join the group and hit the 'Start a Discussion' tab and introduce yourself to the group and remember to go to the right on the group home page and select how you want to receive email notifications when someone answers your posts.

    Due to some of my treatments constipation could show its face and I found regular Laxido worked for me..... but always talk with his medical team as they can help you.

    We also have these forums where you can connect with others supporting family and friends through their cancer journey: Carers Forum and Friends and Family Forum.

    You may also find our various Macmillan Support Line Services on 0808 808 00 00 to be helpful as you can talk to a friendly person that can help in lots of ways.

    When you have the time it would be helpful if you could put some information about yourself and the journey that brought you to the Community into your profile as it really does help the Community members to help you and get to know you. 

    Click on your username and that will take you to your homepage. Look for ‘Edit my Profile’ click on it and start to tell us as much or as little about yourself as you want then click on save before closing the page. 

    All the very best. 

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Thank you, Mike.  Am waiting for a call back from specialist nurse at Guy's but District Nurse had also mentioned Laxido so it's good to know that it works!

  • All the best and please check out the forums as you will find some great support from folks who have walked the walk xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember

    I am starting my 3rd week of treatment for anal cancer.  I, too, was constipated the first week I believe from pain pills.  My dietician told me to take this:  1/3 cup of Milk of Magnesium, 1/3 cup of prune juice, 1/3 cup of ginger ale.  Boy.....did that ever open up the gates!  I think if I had to do it again I would cut the amount by 1/2 or less because it totally cleaned me out.....and fast!  Before that I tried Miralux and stool softners without much luck.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your advice - much appreciated!  I had stopped giving my husband Lactulose as the Guy's booklet on radiotherapy mentions that this treatment can cause diarrhoea.  When we arrived home after his 1st treatment he was in a lot of pain (hanging on to the kitchen door frame).  He went to the toilet and had exactly the same result as yourself.  The look of relief on his face was wonderful!  He's had 3 radiotherapy sessions since without any problems.  He has his 5th session (of 12) tomorrow and I have started him on Lactulose again as he has been slightly constipated.  Wishing you all the best for the rest of your treatment. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm glad he's feeling better.  I have 25 sessions, 10 done already.  Some days are better than others.  I no longer get constipated from my pain pills because the radiation treatments which cause the diarreah seem to take care of that problem.