Can’t get anywhere with the gp

  • 6 replies
  • 4 subscribers

Hello everyone 

my dad is on palliative treatment for stage 4 bowel cancer . I think he has developed lymphodema in one of his legs. The gp has looked at it twice and given him water tablets. Then referred him to the hospital twice but no communication from them . I understand things are in flux at present , is there anything we can do to help alleviate it in the meantime? 

  • Best thing I can suggest is to talk it over with MacMillan over the phone. They have a free number you can call. Monday to Friday 0808 808 0000. Tell them what your dad is going through and what your GP has said. They would be better to give you suggestion's than me at this time. Do not give up phone them you need reassures especially at this time and they are the best ones to give it. You all take care and stay safe Pat XXX

  • FormerMember


    Has the GP referred your dad to the Lymphoedema Clinic at the hospital or to another clinic? I suggest you contact the LSN who may be able to answer your questions from your dad's symptoms . They may also know what services are available in your area & whether the services are suspended for the moment. Lymphoedema care is quite patchy depending on the area you live in - some areas provide a great service whilst others have no clinic at all. 

    Good luck.

  • FormerMember

    Hi I have a lymphoedema in my arm I have breast cancer stage 4.I was reffered my breast cancer nurse from hospital to the lymphoedema clinic it wasnt my GP.try to speak to dads nurse or hospital where he is beeing treated.Well I was waiting for the lymphoedema appt since January finally had appt for 19.3. but they have cancelled it because the clinic has shut down.I am really upset because since January i had no arm swollen and hand painfull and numb.I just wanted compression sleeve or something to ease the pain.

    When I called my nurse she couldnt tell me anything she just referred me.I wont believe that there is only 1 clinic in London.Its disquisting.

  • Go see your GP again and perhaps he might have suggestions of what you could try at home to relieve the pain and swelling. Check this site to see if there is a support group in your area who you could get in touch. Have you been on the breast cancer forum. Have you phoned MacMillan help line its a free number its good to talk about your problem that you are suffering. I agree it seems as if we are the forgotten people. Sorry I can not be much help my lymph was in both legs Good luck hope you get some suggestions and tips.                                         Pat XXX

  • My I ask if you are in the UK and what area


  • Have you downloaded the MacMillan booklet on understanding lymphoedema. Its packed with information and would be useful for you. 

    Pat XXX