What is "Patients Know Best"

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I have just received an email from "Patients Know Best", apparently this is now how I receive information about appointments at my local NHS Trust. WTF is this? I did not agree to it, I have not signed up to it, I have not consented to it. My life is stressful enough I do not need more IT related rubbish to deal with. I can't even sign in to it. Has anyone else had this experience or is it some kind of fraud or spam?

  • Hi Ramsbottom, I have heard of it, but our NHS trust are not part of it, and I don't think many are, as it's a fairly new set up, though I don't think it's spam or fraud, as you say, the fact they have your personal medical records without your consent needs to be addressed, I would be Emailing your trusts directors secretary, asking how they got your records without your consent.


  • Hi Ramsbottom, I've just been browsing the site. Have uou ever agreed to go paper free at the hospital ot GP, if so that is why you got the notification. I'd just check with the hospital if its private of NHS. have an app my GP surgery use, I can make appointments on line, request repeat perscription, check my health records, and when I am due injections, flu, covid ect. I'm also on Clattabridge Liverpool sight were I get modifications of appointments with Oncologist, scans and vidio calls on. I find this quit good and there is alway a number reminder if I want to get in touch with them. If it was a private company thing I would kick up a fuss. I hope it works out for you. Take care xx


  • Funny you should mention this.  My next oncology appt was advised this week via a text message and a PIN.  I click on the link which is called <NHS Portal> enter the PIN in the text message (oh how secure - NOT) and it tells me the time, place and consultant for my appointment.  I am in Scotland, so this would be the Scottish NHS approach.  

    As it's confirmation of appointments, not confidential info or medical records,I suspect they don;t need your permission to move from paper letters to digital.  

    I was aware this was ongoing as I was invited to opt-in to the trial but I like a bit of paper.  

    "Patients Know Best" is a stupid name for it.  

  • I know we are at the same hospital Mmum...I got one of these text message things a couple of days ago. I tried to use it, but couldn't work out what to do, so I ignored it! I don't particularly like technology, though I do understand hospitals preferring to use it, rather than mailing out letters.

    i agree...Patients Know Best is a ridiculous name, and in my experience, isn't a philosophy that most medics follow!

    xxx Kate

  • It’s a platform linking together health data from various sources. Not all areas are onboard yet - I only wish mine was as I am fed up with the mix of paper, booking platforms, text messages etc used by my GP surgery and hospital. Also irritated that whilst the NHS app includes test results if the GP surgery organised them, it doesn’t include hospital test results, scan reports etc. I can see the letters oncology send my GP because my surgery loads them up.

    We are all different, I find everything being online a lot less stressful than working through other methods. 

  • Hi Puddock, Mmum, Patient knows best, is a joke, here in England, you need a password to access the NHS App of your GP, and if accessing the App for hospital information a six number code, sent when you enter your password

  • Hi MOi I think you are right I mustve ticked a box about paper free at some point can't remember though

  • Thanks, that's helpful to know, appreciate the level headed reply

  • It's like 'Dignity and respect'......we are meant to exercise it but a 5 hour wait is not treating me with...........!! 

  • My brother in law gets his hospital results through Patient Knows Best, he really likes being able to see all his information in one place. He lives in West Sussex. 

    I see that you are in Derbyshire Ramsbottom, I'm in Sheffield. 

    I'd love to be able to see my hospital blood and scan results, I recently asked to see some CT scan results and was sent a Subject Access Request form, i don't understand why it's so difficult to get my own results, I have to ask to be copied in to oncology clinic letters each time I have an appointment too.

    I don't mind whether I get letters and results by email, letter or accessing an NHS portal, I would just like to have all the information that pertains to me. 
