Feeling pressured

  • 6 replies
  • 20 subscribers

I really need to have a rant.

Last week when I was told the news of my prognosis, my support worker and nurse wanted to get my parents in straight away to tell them. I managed to put this off and sort of agreed they come with me next time for the treatment discussion, sort of knowing that's  not what I want.

I have been thinking about how to tell them since then a thought I had come up with a good plan. This involved delaying until I had a round of treatment there fore slightly softening the blow as we have tried. Today I went in for a transfusion told my support worker of my plan. She basically said that it was better to do it as soon as possible that I was unlikely to have treatment (I  know it's going to be hell and probably won't change anything but I want to try)and delay was not going to change anything.

I know this but I also know my parents, we have never been chatty close I've always been a private stubbornly independent person and now I feel like I'm being pushed in to doing things I don't want to do.

  • Hi Sweet21Pea, I know how difficult it can be to tell family your diagnosis, and can understand your dilemma, I too pride myself on my independence, my parents are not here anymore but I have 4 grown up children, and like you it wasn't, or in your case isn't an easy decision when, how or even if I should tell them, it's a decision, a personal decision only you can make, sure listen to others, but they don't know your parents or your relationship with them, but for what it's worth, as a parent with a daughter with cancer, which may not be curable, there is nothing I wouldn't do for her, though I have terminal cancer, my focus is on my daughter and I'm pretty sure this is the view of most parents, my view is your family is going to find out whether you want them to know or not, and so any delay serves little purpose, I don't know your parents, but its hard to imagine they wouldn't want to be there for you in some way, my very best wishes for your treatment, I  will have everything crossed it works as well as possible, take care.

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi   I think your support worker believes that your parents should know as they will be there to support you, but you know your parents better than anyone, and how they will react to the news. If you don’t feel ready to tell them then don’t. If you don’t feel ready to tell anyone you really don’t have too. It’s your life, your body, your treatment, your cancer! You do it your way not the way others want you too! 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • ^^^ What Chelle said.

  • Hi Sweet21Pea 

    I totally agree with what Chelle has said, do what feels right for you. Don't be pushed by anyone into doing something your not ready to donor want to do

    I hope things take a better turn for you,  just remember we are all here and we will support you whatever your decision is.

    Have a lovely weekend 


  • Hi Sweet 21 Pea, It's entirely your decision, who you tell and when you tell them. This is a hard road we are travelling and we often need support from anyone we trust, but it's up to you, your choice. Do keep posting. XX


  • Hi Sweet21Pea I was in a similar position to you and actually had all my treatment and major surgery and only decided to tell my elderly parents as my  prognosis wasn't good. I know I didn't want to upset them but it was only pressure from my kids that I told them over the phone and it was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to do . I actually had to hang up as I was so emotional and couldn't speak. Both of my parents were great and gave me all the encouragement I needed to get through another load of treatment. It really was a major relief and cannot express the dread I felt having to tell them. My advice is just tell them and get it over , You could say you are starting your cancer treatment soon to ease things . I hope it all goes well , they are your parents and love you dearly as I found out with mine . All the Best Minmax