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Hi I’m new here. Is anyone else on Bevacizumab ? I’ve to have this treatment every three weeks, I’ve had one and my next is due on Friday I seemed to be really well for the first twelve days and now i am exhausted. I am even falling asleep sitting watching tv or on my phone one minute and before I know it I’m waking up sitting in the same position even with my phone in hand. I’m still sleeping well at night I’m in bed for 10pm and that’s me until my alarm goes at 6 to get up and get prepared before I wake my child for school at 7. I’m just wondering if this is a side effect? Thanks if you manage to read this and i wish you all well

  • Thank you for the helpful information. I have my consultant tomorrow, i will mention how tired I am also I’ve read about the backpain,the pain in my back is really painful but it was discovered I had a fracture to the back after my last scan and I’ve just been thinking it wasn’t healing so I will mention that too. Thank you

    Stage 4 ovarian cancer travel insurance 

  • Thank you it’s ovarian cancer I have. Glad I found this group everyone been so welcoming and helpful. 

    Stage 4 ovarian cancer travel insurance 

  • No need to apologise Teresa, we do have lives to live, hope you have had a good day and have done something nice.

    Eddie xx

  • Thanks Eddie I did.I managed to go some shopping with my girls and nephew and a bite to eat in Nando’s. Hope you’re day was good xx

    Stage 4 ovarian cancer travel insurance 

  • That sounds so nice Teresa, my day was a trip to cancer hospital and my hospice to update my records though did have a massage and Saturday "after a brain scan" I'm going to Scotland with eldest daughter and 2 grandkids, my bedtime now so good night

    Eddie xx 

  • Sorry just seeing your message I’m in bed fkr 10. I bring my nephew up he’s lived with me for eight years. I get up at this time to give myself an hour before i wake him for school. Enjoy Scotland that’s where I am the weather has been great for a good few days. Have fun spending quality time with your daughter and granddaughters xx

    Stage 4 ovarian cancer travel insurance 

  • Teresa stop apologising, It must be nice taking care of your nephew though can imagine the reason why you do was difficult. We are going to Fort William to see family, my aunt and her partner are celebrating 60 years together, though i am originally from Oban have lived in Yorkshire for over 50 years but it's always nice going back, though  the 7 hour drive is a bit of a pain, take care.

    Eddie xx

  • Have a great weekend and the celebrations. Hopefully the traffic isn’t too bad. I have my consultant at 10.45 I’m wondering why as it’s always a telephone appointment. I will look forward to hearing how your weekend goes xx

    Stage 4 ovarian cancer travel insurance 

  • Morning  

    The reason you're given a time for a telephone appointment is so that it is scheduled on a clinic list as a task for the health professional. Also so that it gives the patient an estimate of the time. I used to work in this type of setting. Hope your appointment goes well.

    A x

  • Thank you Teresa i am sure it will be fun. your appointment have you asked for a face to face, I did and always get one, though i am at urology 15th for colonoscopy and my first ever "phone" consultation the day after, but seeing my LCN tomorrow at urology and she will sort that out for me, take care.

    Eddie xx