What rubbish!

  • 11 replies
  • 20 subscribers

So, on This morning is all about linking belly fat to cancer. 
I am fairly slim, cut out lots of sugar, sweets, cakes, white foods pasta, etc , ate porridge every day with fresh fruit, cut out red meat, 3 years ago! 
I now have incurable cancer!!! 
It’s all rubbish, if you’re going to get it, you’ll get it!

I know lots of large people who’ve never had cancer, I’ve had it twice! 
Rant over 

  • If doctors knew, they would tell us but they get cancer. ACCEPT as bad luck. Otherwise, we are made to feel guilty. Im a skinny vegan guy but i dont feel guilt eating tons of sugar.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tony73

    Thanks Tony. 
    I eat everything, including vegan, oat milk etc, but that’s because I want to be healthy, and enjoy it anyway. I’m eating more sugar now though, as it is not related to my cancer. 
    Just bad luck as you say. 
    Good for you! 

  • Hi Jane

    I agree. I don’t eat red meat (and hardly any meat at all), I don’t smoke and generally live a healthy life. My consultant was said it was down to genetics and bad luck as Tony says. I asked my chemotherapy / radiotherapy team about sugar content and they said there is a lot of misinformation about it. They encouraged me to eat a fat, sugar diet to keep my weight up through my treatment when it was difficult to eat. This was far more important to them than any risk from consuming too much sugar.

    Nigel x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to EG1

    Hi Nigel. 
    thank you. I get so fed up of seeing things on tv, blaming everything for cancer. I’ve never smoked either, and always been pretty healthy, always cook my own dinners etc. 

    Yes, that makes sense. I’m not on chemo yet but I know I will be, at some point, and I’ve just finished radiotherapy,  so I’ve said to my mum, I’m going to eat what I can, whilst I feel like it, to keep my strength up, like you. 
    Jane x 

  • I think the reports are more about increased risk being indicated by belly fat. Nothing is as black and white as it seems. Like you, I have eaten mainly healthily ( pescatarian for over 30 years), reasonably slim, quite active etc. As you say, it is down to bad luck, genetics, environment ( probably more than we yet know) etc. When I was first diagnosed in 2003 i made conscious effort to be more careful about over processed foods and sugar, and gave up all alcohol for about 2 years. Over the intervening clear years. I let alcohol in a bit, and probably a bit more than I should have in the later years. Then 2017, here we go again. Not touched alcohol since and have been careful re diet etc. However, when i started new chemo in Dec last year, it killed my appetite stone dead for 2 out of 3 weeks, so I lost too much weight. I am now frantically trying to put it back on - as the new reduced dose means I have an appetite back. It is so much harder than it should be to put weight back on. So I am now eating all sorts of rubbish - calories over caution for now ( and one of my favorites is veggie friendly wine gums!)  If I can put back the weight back on that I lost, I will try to return to healthy eating but always allowing for the odd treat.


  • I ate healthy too and no red meat and still got an inoperable brain tumour- my oncologist has said eat and drink what you want as it actually makes no difference (to my cancer type anyway)

    im still a vegetarian but love chocolate, cheese and more importantly coffee

  • I had no so-called risk factors linked to bowel.cancer unless sugar is a.culprit. But im older and i found out that my grandmother had something similar to me...genes. Cancer doesn't happen overnight. I read that it can take decades in many.of the.common ones

  • Hi Jane,

    Don't the media like their health stories? They always concentrate on gimmicks and quick-fix diets etc. etc. Vegan-bashing is a popular pastime at the moment and if only they would get off their backsides and do some actual journalism, they might discover who funds some of the so-called 'research' that denigrates plant-based eating. If you are vegan, like me, it's really irritating. But at the end of the day illness is the opposite of wellness and eating healthy foods and not being obese, mitigates risk factors for many diseases. That's all you can do.

    None of us can get over the genetic contribution handed down to us. Even with my diet, genetics have popped up to make the diabetes that killed my Dad and his brother, put in an appearance with me. My diet is controlling it and my last test showed I'd dropped the numbers a fair bit, but it's still there and an undeniable fact. We all have to do what we can and at the same time get some enjoyment along the way. Keep on doing it your way Jane. Rainie x

  • That is a good point. My oncologist was more concerned about avoiding weight loss than diet too. I even specifically asked about sugar, alcohol and caffeine and she said to eat what I want and enjoy it. 

  • Yes that seems to their major concern so we can continue whatever treatment we are on.