Newbie to this forum

  • 13 replies
  • 68 subscribers

Hiya I am new to this forum, my main has been the kidney one see my profile for more details if ur

I am an upbeat, a softy with a good sense of humour, but I get my bad days too.

Having a week of appointments this week. Thankfully all out of the way before my chauffeur hubby goes off climbing to Italy.

I am 64 years of age going on 21. Hobbies are lots from watercolours to needlework and knitting etc. Avid PC gamer, belonging to a great alliance. Main problem with most is my energy levels..can do about an hour then need to lie down. Days are hit and miss for walking my border collie Phoebe. Managed a mile and a half the other week..was well chuffed.

My rule is take each day as it comes. Literally. I wake up, make my list of what I want to do that day, housey stuff, walk, rest relax...all go on my list. If I do one thing it's a good day.

I have other health issues too. Diabetes 2, thyroid, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, rare glaucoma which I've had since i was 18, my eldest now blind with, gastric stuff makes me feel nauseous some days and clinical depression.

It's hard. But I am blessed living in the country, wonderful family who give me 100% support. So it's only right I given them smiles and love and not gripes and groans...I am good at masking ...hahaha

I hope you realise i am not taking mine and all your incurable cancers flippantly. I have mental and physical ups and downs. And this last 18 months has been incredibly trying. But I am still here.

I look forward to getting to know u all. I am here to be supportive and of course receive support too.

My journey from nurses, consultants, family, friends, macmillan, maggies, and my kidney cancer forum has been invaluable.

I wish everyone here a wonderful day, huge hugs and much love

  • Hi Kate, I’m sure you will manage yourself just fine. I used to knit a lot but then when I had to get a pin from my shoulders to my elbow (because of tumours) my shoulder used to get really sore and stiff, so I stopped knitting. I had never tried crochet but I love it. 
    As you haven’t been here for a while, you should wait until Tuesday then pop into the Hobby & Craft thread and post a photo of the quilt!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Ah, but that would be cheating, because I didn't make the quilt, someone else did!

  • Hi, Sorry I didn’t realise you hadn’t made it yourself!!

    Fleabane, I’ve just read your post on the Daily Chat, please don’t get stressed about not being able to answer everybody individually as it is not necessary.

    Just reply to everyone at once, no one will mind, I’m sure they would rather that than you get stressed about it!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!