I guess I should say hi.

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Hi everyone,  been lurking on here for a while. Figured I'm here to stay for a while, hopefully. 

Diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in September,  had bowel resection and 30 lymph nodes taken out. While surgeon was in there he looked at my liver. Scans had shown something but they didn't think it was cancer. On closer inspection, I have liver and lung mets. Lymph nodes were cancerous 19 out of 30. Changed to stage 4 and palliative treatment only. Now on 12 rounds of folfox. Have just found out I have the braf mutation. More aggressive and harder to treat. So that's me Wave

  • Hi Blondiebird, and welcome, I know your not new to the community, or indeed our forum, I have seen you post occasionally, but as its your1st thread, a warm welcome from me, though I am sorry you've found yourself here, somewhere non of us would wish to be, though I was on the Bowel, colon and rectal forum once, for a rectal tumour, my cancer is different to yours, though we are both on palliative treatment, the good people on the forum are a wonderful group, as you will know, mostly girls with a few boys, always happy to help and support everyone who finds themselves here, feel free to ask any questions about anything, we get a little more leeway on our forum, if you want to scream, rant, laugh, just chat or need a shoulder to cry on, then please do so, there are many on here well past their prognosis, even "cured", to give hope to us all, and I hope you will find the friendship and understanding from the guys on here who know what living with our prognosis really means helps you, like it helps us all, and hopefully for a long time too.

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi Blondbird, A warm welcome. I think most of us have lurked and read the posts for a while before joining in, so I am pleased you have taken that leap! Although I have a different cancer to you, I have Malignant Melanoma Mandy went straight to Stage 4, no messing about LOL!l I also have the Braf mutation and I was told if you have a mutation, it gives you more options! I hope you haven’t been reading Mr Google because he is well out of date these days.

    As Eddie has said many of us were given a short prognosis but are still here to tell the tale! I went on a Trial Drug and it has worked well for me. My diagnosis and prognosis were in 2013, so I hope that gives you Hope! Where there’s Life there’s Hope, so never give up. They are making leaps and bounds with finding new drugs and I hope there is one with your name on it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, I have been looking at Google, I'm just far too curious for my own good. Have learnt some good/ hopeful maybe even helpful things, along with the scary. I try to take most of that with a bit of salt lol. I must admit I've not heard many positives for the braf unless you're msi, I'm mss.

    I'm also fairly new to all this, so really haven't had any good news yet. Almost half way through chemotherapy, which means scans and oncologist appointment. So hoping for some positive results. My cea levels have had a "flare" and are coming back down, which is a positive sign I hope.

    Thank you for your kind words. Let's hope there's a new drug with everyone's name on it Slight smile

    Gayna x

  • Thank you Eddie, I'm hoping to be one of the ones giving these kind of hopful posts in a few years xx

  • Good morning Gayna, you are welcome, and I hope you will be as well, like you I like researching, I stick to  reputable sites and have found a few possibilities regarding treatments down the line, your oncologists don't know/tell you about, no magic cures, but more time, 

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi  

    Sorry you have to be here, but glad you've found us. I'm sporadically here, still pretty 'new' but have found it to be wonderfully friendly and supportive. 

    BoF xx

  • Hi

    I was told stage 4 incurable rectal cancer last November too. I am on second line FOLFIRI + avastin. I have KRAS mutation. 

    It is hard to come to terms with it and try to live well with cancer and chemotherapy. But you are only on first line treatment, there are quite a few more options left and you never know how your tumour responds to the chemotherapy. I am trying to hope for the best and accept what ever the result is. Easier said than done!

    Take care x