Lung cancer

  • 27 replies
  • 64 subscribers

Hi I was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer last week. Just waiting to hear about treatment options and have been advised it will be chemo or immunotherapy. Remaining positive

  • Hi Shazzy You have hit the nail on the head being positive seriously helps . All the Best Minmax 

  • Thank you so much minmax I really think we can all draw strength and positivity from the people in this group

    Sharon xx

  • Hi Welcome

    We  use the word, incurable  but treatable, rather than terminal, as that is when no treatment can be given. and sounds better.

    Positivity is the way to go, i was also diagnosed with lung cancer, stage 4, from day one.

    Still here moaning and groaning, its not over to the fat lady sings.

    I am not singing yet i can assure you.

    I have done chemo, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy..

    Once you find out your treatment plan, you will know which way you are going, we all get a plan.

    Will be others here, that more than likely, will have been on what you are going to have,   the group is a world of information, and all comes threw their own journey.

    You will use this group a lot, i would not have got this far with out it.

  • I am sure that being part of this group will be a godsend

    Sharon xx

  • Hi Shazzy, and a very warm welcome from me, love your attitude being positive is half the battle, best wishes with your treatment and feel free to ask any questions, there's usually someone around 24 hours a day, take care.

    Eddie & Sheila

  • Hi Shazzy, A warm welcome. With a positive attitude like that, you are half way there! Ellie is right, once you have your treatment plan, you will get on the rollercoaster of treatment etc and settle into what needs done. 
    There are a lot of us here passed our sell by date, so hopefully once your treatment starts, then kicks in, you will join us, just be patient!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
    • Good morning Shazzy nice to meet you. You've joined a special group of people,  kind, supportive,  helpful and funny. Let off steam, rant and rave,, or just chat about evrty day things. Don't use Dr. Google, lots of out of date information on there. I hope your family and friends are supporting you and things you don't want to say to them just jump on here tell us sombodÿ will  have felt the same as you. Take care xx
    • Moi
  • Hi Shazzy, i have been in the same situation as you, terminal lung cancer, not operable, given 10 to 12 months to life.

    Well this was nearly 9 years ago, still here, had chemo and immuno therapy. Stay positiv, you can do this.

  • I don't know were the dots on my post have come from must ɓe something I've pressed by mistake. Lol. I've slept well and my new wake up time is around the 6am time. The mornings are still darkish. I'm just getting up to make coffee. Hope you all had a decent night. XX


  • Morning Moi, good to hear you slept well, I've been up since 6am too, no appointments just phone more phone calls today and family back home tonight, but won't see them till 4pm tomorrow as have appointments till then. 

    Eddie xx