Stage 4 breast cancer

  • 37 replies
  • 67 subscribers

Hi. Just joined this group. 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Yesterday I had my first appointment with an oncologist. They told me that additional tests have shown the cancer has spread to my adrenal gland and spine. It is incurable. I will have chemotherapy though starting in 2-3 weeks time. I'm a positive person and have dealt quite well with the diagnosis I had before yesterday as it felt fixable. I'm now feeling rather shocked and I'm not sure, almost, what to do with myself or the information. It's scary. I posted on the breast cancer forum and had a reply recommending this forum so here I am.


  • Hi  a very warm welcome to the group, but so sorry you have had to join us here, and do quickly from your initial diagnoses, no wonder you are scared. It’s a lot to take in, and you have a little wait before your treatment starts. But this feeling will pass. Once you start your treatment you get a sense of routine, and in a lot of ways it feels like you are taking back control of the situation. 

    Lots of people here will be able to share their chemo experience with you, and they will all encourage you along the way. 

    Im sure others will be along shortly to welcome you too. 

    “Try to be a rainbow, in somebody else's cloud” ~ Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you. That's really supportive xx

  • Hi 

    I do not have the same cancer as you.

    Though i have experience with chemo, radiotherapy and immunotherapy

    Every one on this group is incurable though treatable

    Every one here knows how you are feeling at this early stage. We where all beginners once, and i have got this far, with the help and support of everyone here. supporting me, when and if needed.

    We have a rant here, we  laugh, we cry  and we moan.

    We truly understand the emotions you may have at times, we all have them.

    Treatments have come a long way, and people here, know that, i was diagnosed 8 years ago now, never ever thought i would be.

    A positive attitude,  goes a long way.

  • Hi gotthistogether ! Welcome to the the group that we didn't want to be in , my cancer is in my brain and I'm not sure where I left that!

    There is lots of lovely people here for light hearted fun and lots of support 


  • Hello Gotthistogether, and welcome to the forum, as Ellie & Chelle have said you are going through the most difficult stage of any cancer journey,  you get bad news followed by more bad news and you have to wait for treatment, It's no surprise you feel the way you do, but once you start to fight back against this ba#tard called cancer, things will begin to feel a little better and the ladies and guys, there are a handful of us, are here to support you in any way we can, many would say, as only we can, and it's great to hear of your positive attitude, it will be a big help to you, please feel free to ask any question, join in any thread or start your own thread, there is usually someone to talk to 24 hours a day, best wishes.


  • FormerMember


    A very warm welcome to us here in this group. It's not a place that anyone would choose. It is scary at this point but things will settle down. There are lots of lovely folks to support you, hold onto that for now.

    A x

  • Welcome to this forum. I know you would rather not be here, but it’s a friendly, supportive group. 

    I have metastatic TNBC, first diagnosed with liver mets in August 22. After treatment with immunotherapy (a long story with a serious adverse event and lots of complications), I was able to have the residual lesions ablated and am currently in remission. 

    It sounds like they have a treatment plan for you. You will eventually settle into your new reality and I hope all goes well for you. Lots of people are able to live good lives with advanced cancer, it’s not always an immediate death sentence these days. All the best. 

  • Hi Gotthìstogether sorry you've had to join us lovely people, as you've been  told we are a supportive caring group òf people who have various cancers and treatments.  Once uour treatment starts it becomes your new normal. All I say is be kind to yourself, do your favourite things if tired rest, hungry eat. Take care xx


  • Hi Gotthistogether welcome to the group that no one wants to be in. Everyone is so supportive & will share their experiences with Chemo. I have don’t have the same cancer as you I have had the same experience you will find strength to help you Wishing you all the best with your treatment.

    jacquie x

  • Hi Gotthistogether, A warm welcome to this Group. As you have heard from others, although we don't have the same incurable cancer, we have all been where you are now and got passed it, with the help and support of the Group.
    As Chelle said, once your treatment starts things will feel more settled as you will get into a routine. Please keep posting to let us know how you are doing and what you are feeling as we are all here to help one another.
    Myself plus quite a few others here are well passed our "sell by" dates. The things we have in common are this Group and a positive attitude taking things one day at a time!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!