Prostrate cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 67 subscribers

Hi everyone 

Is there a specific group for prostrate cancer as I’m trying to avoid boring everyone with a possible queer ie?

  • Yes there is I'm a member of that group as well, just touch the 3 lines on the top left, when list comes up, tap on-line community, scroll down to prostate group.

    Any way welcome to our club which no one wants to join, if you tap our avatar you can read the profiles.

  • Hi Allister, if you are not using a phone, click on FORUMS near the top of this page, then click on CANCER TYPES FORUMS, on page 6 you will see PROSTATE CANCER FORUM just click on and your on, see you there,


  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group. I can see that you're not yet a member of the prostate group so this is a link if you're still finding difficulty  Prostate cancer forum 

    Best regards 

    A x

  • Hi Allister, Welcome to the Group, don't give it another thought, you will not bore anyone here! Post away!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hello Allister, noticed you have not joined the prostate cancer forum  yet. A couple of us on here have prostate cancer, so please share tour queerie. we way be able to help.


  • Hello Allister, I hope you are ok, and you found an answer to your "possible" query. You will always be welcome here, best wishes.
