Living with cancer

  • 7 replies
  • 66 subscribers


I'm living with stage 4 terminal cancer started in my bowel which has now spread to my liver and other parts.  I live on my own but try to get out daily. But thus latest chemo is really tired and making me feel really ill.

  • Hello Tennisball and a warm welcome to the forum though sorry you have to be here, It's good to hear your getting out most days, i too have bowel cancer which has spread and find exercise helps. at your next chemotherapy session you should tell them it's making you ill and feeling tired and they maybe able to help, you will find the people on here very friendly and supporting and happy to help in any way they can, take care


  • Hi Tennisball, A warm welcome to this terrific supportive Group, I hope you will find it helpful and friendly. There's usually someone around so don't hesitate to ask questions, have a moan, just a chat, or tell us your worries.

    I have a different cancer to you but last year my husband was diagnosed with bowel cancer and was lucky it was caught early. He had an operations to cut out the tumours which was successful and he is cancer free. He gets checked every three months. So I have 'some' idea of what it is like. I agree with Eddie when he said if the latest chemo is making you feel ill and tired, it is better to let your Team know. If they don't know, they can't help and there is usually something they can do! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks I'm keeping the cancer unit up to date.

  • Hi yes I'm keeping my chemo unit up to date on how I feel, how tired I am. They have been really supportive, telling me anytime with any worries as they know that I'll live on my own.

  • Hi Tennisball that's good to hear, I have a local cancer charity which provide lots of help, support and things to do and is a lovely place to be, i wondering if you had something similar near you, take care.


  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read of your diagnosis and that you are currently having chemotherapy. A warm welcome to the group, none of us would choose to join but we are friendly and supportive and make the best of the hand we've been dealt. 

    I had a different cancer and my profile is on if you would like to read. Just click on my username, you can read anyone's profile by doing the same. It is a good idea to write a profile yourself as it helps in others replies to you and it saves you repeating yourself. Click on your own username then profile and save when you've written it.

    These groups may be a help to you if you need extra support  Chemotherapy forum 

     Cancer treatment forum 

    It's good that you are getting support from your chemo nurses, they were a good help to me when I was having treatment. If you need extra support at any time, also consider the Macmillan helpline, this is the link to contact

    Best wishes for your treatment, keep in touch.

    A x

  • Hi Tennisball, sorry I'm late to welcome you to our exclusive group. I started my cancer journey with bowel cancer  and it spread to various places, I've actually been discharged frow bowel clinic, this month 5 and  half years later. But alas still having treatment for the spread, 41 rounds of immunotherapy  once a month,  so well past my sell by date and making the most of my life to live as best I can. Still get down days but keep going. I won't  sit waiting to die. Keep posting. Take care xx
