On my own now

  • 48 replies
  • 73 subscribers

I'm sat in bed  with private tears wondering how on earth things have ended up this way.

I have 2 children (11 and 19) and in the middle of a break up.  Despite always being strong and independent I now feel weak, scared and very very lonely now.

Are there others that are doing this on there own???  I'm just so disappointed and hurt that someone walked out during the hardest time.  He made my life and cancer so much easier and happier. 

I feel like he's taken the end of my life and ruined it- I could never do that to anyone.

Sorry .... I'm just rambling because I'm so lost today

  • Hi Victoria, I know there is a Maggies in Southampton but understand that may be too far, take care.


  • Tricia there is a maggies in Northampton if it's not too far.


  • Hey.  I made some calls today and my local hospice has coffee morning every monday - I'm going to try and give it ago next week Blush.

    How's your day been??

  • Been ok had my last wellness group today but will try to keep in touch and 8 tests last week. first 3 results today ok. Coffee morning sounds nice and hopefully make new friends who should be able to let you know of other groups or activities you may like, Hope you and the not so little ones are ok.


  • Hello Victoria 

    I’m sorry to read that your husband has left you at such a difficult time. I can’t imagine how that has made you feel, apart from confused and lonely. I’m glad you have found a coffee morning you feel comfortable trying. It’s so important to have a good support network. I try and keep my worlds separate to a degree. I ended my marriage after 30 years, as we were making each other miserable. We do find it difficult at times to be friendly as life can be challenging. I have been going to a Pilates class for the last two and a half years, and they are an amazing mixed bunch of incredibly supportive people. I volunteer at a local charity shop, and that gives me a break from my home life. I hope the situation with your husband is soon sorted out, one way or another. When you have children together you need to be able to get along. Do keep posting on here. I don’t join in BC with the daily chit chat, as I’m busy, but I do try and keep up to date with how the others are getting on. Wishing you all the best.

  • Hey Victoria,

    Just seen your post and it reminds me that we've seen similar posts from others who have found themselves left with dealing with their cancer due to having a partner who couldn't. No matter what the circumstances, the blow comes at the worst possible moment. So am glad you have found us and I hope you will feel able to come on here and receive the support and advice you need from a bunch of people who really do understand your fears and problems. Wishing you strength and sending hugs. Rainie xxx

  • Hi Victoria,

    I feel for you,

    the same thing has happened to me, I still can’t believe that my wife did this to me, taking me straight from the oncology meeting that I found out  that my liver cancer isn’t curable ,to my mothers, I will never forgive her, but I don’t have the time to waste energy on hating her, it probably would have happened eventually anyway, but I honestly thought that the ordeal was going to bring us closer together, I was very upset, but l now have to concentrate on me, we didn’t have children together but I did(do)have 3 stepchildren, don’t worry about rambling,I do it on a regular basis! As others say, try to talk to others you know or on here, I try totally separate myself away from my condition/situation for as much as I can in the day , not always possible as I am in still coming to terms with everything, I only got my news about the liver last week, …now I’m rambling!


  • Hi DavyG, Ramble away all you like, that's what we are here for. It must be so difficult for Victoria, yourself and any others in your particular situation. Show them you don't need them, they are the ones loosing out!

    Victoria have you been to the coffee morning yet or will that be later today? If so good luck and please don't expect doom & gloom, hospices aren't like that. They help you live the best you can, while you can which is what we are all trying to do!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!