Hello from sunny Edinburgh

  • 22 replies
  • 68 subscribers

Hello and thanks for reading! Slight smile

I've added some info to my profile but the short version is that it was recently confirmed that my duodenal cancer is incurable. I did ask the oncologist re time and was told 12-18 months although that is a median for similar cancers rather than specific to me. Regardless, I now know from reading posts here that timescales are pretty meaningless also that I'm incurable rather than terminal and this is making a big difference already.

Looking forward (I think!) to reading more and maybe sharing a bit more as well.

And thanks to   and   for recommending this group.


  • Hello Mikel,

    Welcome to the group that nobody wants to be in. Keep posting and we'll get to know you and you'll get to see just how silly we all can be at times. The sillier the better more often than not and that's just as well. There are a few Scotties on here too so you'll be in good company. Hugs to you. Rainie x

  • Woof woof woof, Rainie Scotties are dog's!

  • Woof woof yourself. If Scotties were able, they would all get on the first train going south.

  • Beats walking, which is what we had to do last time we reclaimed land grabbed by then Norman's.

  • Hobbies are good to keep your mind occupied on pleasant things. Having little brakes is great and interesting   going via the scenic route . Hope you oncologist appointment goes OK.xx


  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group. As you have found from the replies, we are very friendly and supportive here. We all get where each other is coming from as we are all in the same boat.  Different cancers but all of us incurable. My cancer is currently stable after treatment, which finished in Sept 2022. If you'd like to read my history, my profile is on here. I retired on ill health this time last year, my job was quite full on and I wouldn't have had the stamina for it now. I like to walk, it sorts my head out. I like crafts and I love to read. I also like to garden, looking forward to some Spring weather. I'm pleased you've joined us, we're a good crowd.

    A x

  • Hi mikel the best holidays are not where you go to, It's the people you go with, take care, Eddie

  • Nice thought Eddiel

  • Thank you  . I am heartened by the warm welcome and knowing that many here are on a similar path. It has been a great boost to think of my condition as incurable rather than terminal.

    I will be looking into retirement on health grounds, so that I have more time to do the things I enjoy - back on the bike and wild swimming (a recent pursuit) oh, and playing the accordion (I expect that many would like to see me combine all three Smiley).